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Video: First drive in the 2019 Subaru Forester 2.0L EyeSight, better than a Honda CR-V?

Adrian Chia · Nov 14, 2019 11:35 AM

All-new 2019 Subaru Forester Review video in Malaysia. 

TC Subaru launched the all-new 2019 Subaru Forester in August and now we finally got the chance to get behind the wheel of one.

We took the new SUV off-roading around the dirt track at Most Fun Gym, tackle the twisty bits of Karak highway and cruise along the endless straights of LPT2, all in one day!

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2019 Subaru Forester 2.0L Review

The new Subaru Global Platform (SGP), symmetrical all-wheel drive and EyeSight Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS) came together to make the journey a breeze.

2019 Subaru Forester Engine Performance

Although the new FB20D 2.0-litre naturally aspirated four-cylinder boxer engine only makes a modest output of 156 PS and 196 Nm of torque, the updated engine works very well with the new CVT automatic (now with 7 virtual ratios) and the Subaru Forester doesn't feel underpowered.

2019 Subaru Forester Off Road


Compared to the crowd favourite, the Honda CR-V, the fully imported Subaru Forester offers great value for money. As tested, the range-topping Subaru Forester 2.0i-S EyeSight is priced at RM 159,788 (on the road without insurance) which places it RM 4,000 cheaper than the equivalent Honda CR-V 1.5 TC-P.

After watching this 2019 Subaru Forester review video, will you choose the 2019 Subaru Forester?

Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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Market fair trade-in price

2023 Subaru Forester 2.0 i-L EyeSight


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