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This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz

Hans · Oct 28, 2019 12:07 PM

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 01

At the sidelines of the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show, Toyota gave us a sneak peak of its upcoming all-new Toyota Yaris. Curiously, the Yaris was not presented at the motor show’s venue, but at a nearby mall located next to Toyota’s MegaWeb brand experience centre.

Like its archrival the Honda Jazz (sold as the Fit in Japan), the all-new Toyota Yaris will only go on sale in Japan in February 2020.

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 02

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As such, details on the vehicle’s specifications are still lacking and the display car was locked with a ‘Do Not Touch/Open’ sign. Thus, we couldn’t get a closer look at its interior and the brilliantly practical swiveling front seats. We do however, got to see a glimpse of the boot as the event crew was setting up the display area.

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 01

Viewing it in person, the exterior of the all-new Toyota Yaris exudes a sportier character than the bulbous new generation Honda Jazz. Between the two, it’s quite clear that the Yaris is aiming for the younger audience while the Honda Jazz wants to focus on what it does best – being the ultra-practical, fuel efficient, easy to drive city car that it has always been.

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 02

It is yet to be seen if this all-new TNGA-platform Toyota Yaris will be sold in our part of the world.

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 03

Currently, there are three different Yaris on sale globally. Markets like Europe, Australia and Japan share one model while China, Middle East and other Asian markets including Thailand and Malaysia share another. Meanwhile in North America, the Toyota Yaris is a rebadged Mazda 2.

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 04

This all-new model will use the international Yaris nameplate, thus dropping the long serving Vitz nameplate for Japan.

The all-new Toyota Yaris will be powered by one of three engine options, all naturally aspirated three cylinders. The base model uses a 1.0-litre three-cylinder while higher range variants will use a 1.5-litre Dynamic Force engine, which is also available as a hybrid.

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 05

Underpinning it is an all-new TNGA platform (TNGA-B) but unlike the double-wishbone rear suspension TNGA-C platform used by the Toyota Corolla Altis and Toyota C-HR, the Yaris will use a simpler torsion beam rear suspension to save space.  

This is the all-new TNGA platform Toyota Yaris for Japan, to replace Vitz 06

Measuring 3,940 mm long and 1,695 mm wide, the all-new Toyota Yaris is actually shorter (less 205 mm) and narrower (less 35 mm) than our current Yaris. Wheelbase remains unchanged at 2,550 mm. It is however 25 mm taller.

More on the features of the all-new Toyota Yaris (Japanese market model) here.

As the all-new Toyota Yaris will only go on sale in Japan in February 2020.

Our Malaysian market Toyota Yaris is locally-assembled in Bukit Raja, Klang and was only launched in April 2019. This generation of ASEAN market Yaris was first introduced in Thailand in September 2017. 


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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