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The Toyota Mega Cruiser is the Japanese Hummer you've never heard of

Arif · Jun 29, 2020 02:36 PM

The Toyota Mega Cruiser is the Japanese Hummer you've never heard of 01

Mention big military-grade SUVs and one would normally think of the Hummer H1. Although Toyota’s most popular SUV would be the mighty Toyota Land Cruiser, the Toyota Mega Cruiser is the much bigger and much tougher 4-wheeler from Toyota.

The Toyota Mega Cruiser is the Japanese Hummer you've never heard of 02

Being 2.17 m wide, the mega Cruiser is 30 cm wider than a standard land Cruiser. First unveiled at the 1993 Tokyo Motor Show, and later released in 1996, the “civilian” Mega Cruiser was only officially sold in Japan.

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The Toyota Mega Cruiser is the Japanese Hummer you've never heard of 01

Mega Cruiser and Land Cruiser. Image:

Mainly used for miltary and special purposes, the Mega Cruiser ceased production in 2002.

The Toyota Mega Cruiser is the Japanese Hummer you've never heard of 02

Weighing 2,850 kg, this G.I. Joe Toyota was powered by a 4.1 L 4-cylinder turbocharged engine (15B-FTE). The transmission was a 4-speed automatic. Maximum power is 138 PS while maximum torque is 382 Nm.

The Toyota Mega Cruiser is the Japanese Hummer you've never heard of 03

With only about 100 units made, the civilian version of the Mega Cruiser it is a rare item in the marketplace.



Previously an engineer in an automotive manufacturing company and a highway concessionaire. A part-time research student on biofuels and diesel engines. Obsessed with vehicle electrification and the future of transportation.

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