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Thailand loves the Honda Civic, outsells Corolla Altis by almost 3x more

Eric · Jan 5, 2021 12:00 PM

Thailand loves the Honda Civic, outsells Corolla Altis by almost 3x more 01

The C-segment sedan market in Thailand was once represented by four models – Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla Altis, Mazda 3, and Nissan Sylphy. No prizes for guessing which model currently dominates the segment.

Thailand loves the Honda Civic, outsells Corolla Altis by almost 3x more 02

With 2,046 units sold in November 2020, Honda has managed to shift almost 3 times more units of the Civic than what Toyota managed with the Corolla Altis (only 702 units). Mazda only managed to sell 218 units of the Mazda 3 in the same month.

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Thailand loves the Honda Civic, outsells Corolla Altis by almost 3x more 01

Nissan pulled the plug on the Sylphy back in September 2020, leaving the Civic, Corolla Altis, and Mazda 3 in a three-way battle.

Thailand loves the Honda Civic, outsells Corolla Altis by almost 3x more 02

Year-to-date, Honda sold 17,581 units of the Civic in Thailand, giving it a comfortable 61.4% market share. The second place belongs to Toyota with 8,151 units of the Corolla Altis.  An impressive feat, considering that Honda does not have taxi fleet sales of the Civic, something which the Corolla Altis is famous for. 

Thailand loves the Honda Civic, outsells Corolla Altis by almost 3x more 03

Closer to home, the Honda Civic is also the best-selling C-segment sedan with 10,400 units sold as of November 2020, capturing an 81% market share in the process.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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