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Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024?

Sanjay · Feb 5, 2024 01:38 PM

Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 01

Sino-British carmaker MG has officially made their arrival into Malaysia, coming in as SAIC Motor Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. At least in the initial stages, it looks to be an EV-heavy offensive, with models like the MG 4 and long-time-brewing MG ZS EV taking centre stage on the company's website.

Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 02

The tease on MG Malaysia's website

Draw your attention to the end of the page and there's the wide grin of the MG Cyberster. Smoke usually doesn't come without fire, so...if this model should snake its way into showrooms, here's a bit of what to expect.

Also read: MG is now officially in Malaysia via SAIC Motor, MG4 and ZS EV hinted

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Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 01

At the very least its a return to form for MG, known best for lightweight sports cars for most of their 100-year history. Post-Chinese takeover (well, the Rover era too actually) the focus shifted a bit more towards commuter sedans and SUVs, but it's no secret that its these cars that bankroll the sportier, low-volume ones.

Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 02

Anyway, the Cyberster seen here at the recent Singapore Motor Show is currently making its rounds wherever MG has a presence in ASEAN – Thailand and Philippines have seen it, and there's also word of it heading to Indonesia sometime this year; Malaysia then doesn't seem too far-fetched.

Also read: New 2022 MG ZS EV facelift live at the Bangkok International Motor Show; 404 km, 177 PS

Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 03

The numbers sound nice. There's a top-spec all-wheel drive variant with two motors producing a combined 544 PS and 725 Nm of torque, able to ricochet it to 100 km/h from nought in 3.2 seconds. This is the version that was previewed in Thailand.

Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 04

Powering all that is a 77 kWh ternary lithium-ion battery pack, good for a claimed range of 570 km on the CLTC test cycle.

Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 05

Specs are par for the course of recent Chinese EVs, with a heavy emphasis on technology. There's a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip powering the car's digital systems, which also includes three screens, a custom operating system, and Bose audio to sweeten the deal.

Teased on the Malaysian website, here's live photos of the MG Cyberster - our one and only EV roadster here in 2024? 06

Safety comes courtesy of a Level 2 ADAS system with all the trappings that entails, like adaptive cruise control and lane keeping assistance.

Also read: 1,598 units booked in just 8 hours, MG4 Electric is the next EV sensation in Thailand

For what it's worth, it seems like an enticing entrant to Malaysia's EV space. However, it may not be too soon though, as there's still the MG ZS EV and MG 4 to launch first when SAIC Motor Malaysia begin their operations proper here in Malaysia.


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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