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Stellantis overtakes Tesla, wants to be Europe's leader for EVs; Peugeot e-208 no. 1 EV in France

Shaun Β· Aug 10, 2022 04:56 PM

Stellantis overtakes Tesla, wants to be Europe's leader for EVs; Peugeot e-208 no. 1 EV in France 01

According to sales figure provided by Dataforce, as reported by Automotive News Europe, Stellantis sold 105,413 electric cars (EVs) in Europe, ahead of Tesla (78,277 units) but behind Volkswagen (116,307 units).

The figures include registrations in EU countries except Portugal, Sweden and Finland as they were not available, plus the UK, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway.

Stellantis overtakes Tesla, wants to be Europe's leader for EVs; Peugeot e-208 no. 1 EV in France 02

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Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares said in a report by Automotive News Europe that the group aims to become Europe’s leader in battery-electric vehicles (BEV). "We are head on fighting for the top spot in terms of BEV sales in European market," said Tavares.

Stellantis overtakes Tesla, wants to be Europe's leader for EVs; Peugeot e-208 no. 1 EV in France 01

The Fiat New 500 was the best-selling EV in Italy and Germany in Q2 2022, Tavares said to investors. Another key EV model from Stellantis is the Peugeot e-208, which took the top EV spot in France during the same period.

Also read: Ora Good Cat, Mazda MX-30, Lexus UX 300e, and 8 other EVs launching in Malaysia in 2022

Stellantis overtakes Tesla, wants to be Europe's leader for EVs; Peugeot e-208 no. 1 EV in France 02

However, the report mentioned that Tesla’s sales volume was affected by China’s factory shutdowns, which exports the Model 3 to Europe. Also, the new production facility in Germany recently began operations in March this year.

As lockdowns end in China and production in the Berlin plant ramps up, Stellantis is expected to face stronger competition from Tesla in the second half of 2022.

Also read: Beyond PSA Group: Stellantis to setup regional office in Malaysia


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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