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Spied: GR86-based Lexus UC seen, could get electrified boxer engine

Eric · Jun 25, 2021 03:41 PM

Spied: GR86-based Lexus UC seen, could get electrified boxer engine 01

Seen here in this grainy spyshot is the rumoured Lexus UC – an upcoming coupe from Lexus that shares its underpinnings with the recently-launched Toyota GR86 and Subaru BRZ.

Spied: GR86-based Lexus UC seen, could get electrified boxer engine 02

Facelifted Lexus RC pictured

Looking at this lone spyshot and you can just about see the signature Lexus spindle grille, flanked by slim headlights that are reminiscent of the updated-but-not-sold-in-Malaysia Lexus RC coupe.

Spied: GR86-based Lexus UC seen, could get electrified boxer engine 03

Rendered image of the Lexus UC by Spyder7

According to Japanese sources, the forthcoming Lexus UC could be positioned as Lexus’ entry-level coupe, below the Lexus RC. After all, the UC name does make sense, seeing that the U moniker is used on Lexus’ entry-level models, like the UX, while C denotes its coupe body style. Urban Coupe, anyone? 

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Spied: GR86-based Lexus UC seen, could get electrified boxer engine 01

Now that the UC’s positioning has been established, it’s time to take a look at dimensions. Lexus may stretch the total length of the UC to 4,500 mm. For reference, the GR86’s length is 4,265 mm.

Spied: GR86-based Lexus UC seen, could get electrified boxer engine 02

GR86's engine pictured. The UC could get an electrified version of this engine

But that’s not all. The Lexus UC may be fitted with the same naturally-aspirated 2.4-litre flat-four as the GR86, but sources claimed that it could benefit from electrification (either plug-in hybrid or mild hybrid). 

Spied: GR86-based Lexus UC seen, could get electrified boxer engine 03

GR86's interior pictured

The extensive changes are also expected to continue inside. Compared to the driver-focused Toyota GR86, the Lexus UC will get more luxurious appointments, including high-quality trim that will put it on par with other Lexus models.

Editor’s comment:

Seeing how successful the Lexus UX has been for Lexus, an equivalent two-door coupe could potentially be another volume seller. Of course, it has to be priced and specced right in order to win buyers over.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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