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Specifications for the all-new Toyota Corolla Altis revealed, it's better than the Civic

Eric · Sep 12, 2019 06:04 PM

2019 Toyota Corolla Altis front

  • 2 variants, 1.8 E & 1.8 G
  • Both share a 1.8-litre engine, CVT-type automatic
  • 1.8 G gets full Toyota Safety Sense

2019 Toyota Corolla Altis body

Ahead of the all-new Toyota Corolla’s debut, UMW Toyota Motor has released the preliminary specifications of units bound for Malaysia.

Specifications for the all-new Toyota Corolla Altis revealed, it's better than the Civic 03

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In case you’re wondering, the all-new model will be known simply as Corolla, but the Altis badging will remain on the boot of the new sedan.

Specifications for the all-new Toyota Corolla Altis revealed, it's better than the Civic 01

Unlike the predecessor model, the all-new Corolla will feature just one powertrain – a carried over 1.8-litre 2ZR-FE four-cylinder petrol engine with Dual VVT-i, paired to a CVT-type automatic that sends power to the front wheels. The engine is good for 139 PS at 6,400 rpm and 172 Nm of torque at 4,000 rpm.

2019 Toyota Corolla Altis colours

The all-new Toyota Corolla is priced from:

  • Corolla 1.8 E – RM 128,888
  • Corolla 1.8 G – RM 136,888

Specifications for the all-new Toyota Corolla Altis revealed, it's better than the Civic 03

UMW Toyota Motor is expected to introduce the all-new Corolla soon.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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2020 Toyota Corolla Altis 1.8E


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