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Special promos for VW cars this weekend, up to RM 4,000 in rebates

Sanjay · Oct 7, 2020 04:53 PM

Special promos for VW cars this weekend, up to RM 4,000 in rebates 01

Volkswagen dealerships nationwide will be hosting a special sales event this weekend on the 10th- and 11th-October 2020. The event will also be run on all VW dealerships' social media too.

Special promos for VW cars this weekend, up to RM 4,000 in rebates 02

Passat Elegance pictured.

Offers during the event include an additional RM 2,000 rebate on top of ongoing rebates (totalling RM 4,000), applicable to the full Passat range - be it Elegance, United or the R-Line.

2020 Volkswagen Passat 2.0TSI R-Line Exterior 001

Passat R-Line pictured.

Other than that, prospective customers can enjoy an additional RM 1,000 rebate for other VW models, including the Tiguan and Tiguan Allspace, Arteon R-Line, Golf R-Line and Vento.

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The VW Passat

A couple of months ago, we covered the launch of the VW Passat R-Line.

2020 Volkswagen Passat 2.0TSI R-Line Interior 001

Passat R-Line interior.

So far, its price list hasn't been confirmed but expect it to be pricier than the Passat Elegance - it sits a rung higher anyway thanks to additional kit.

Special promos for VW cars this weekend, up to RM 4,000 in rebates 02

The Passat Elegance.

Meanwhile, that's not to say the Passat Elegance is a lesser car. It's a pretty high-tech, punchy package that does its job well, and this is what we think about it. 


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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