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Singapore-developed innovations to power Hyundai's new Korean EV plant

CY Foong · Nov 14, 2023 11:00 AM

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Hyundai Motor Company held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new electric vehicle (EV) plant at its complex in Ulsan. What started off as a simple factory that built Hyundai’s first passenger car, a rebadged Ford Cortina, grew into the largest automobile plant in the world.

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Hyundai's first car, the Hyundai-Ford Cortina

The new EV-dedicated plant will be the hub for Hyundai’s mobility production in the era of electrification. It is also described as a human-centred facility with an innovative manufacturing platform that delivers an optimal working environment for employees.

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HMGICS' booth at the 2022 Singapore International Transport Congress and Exhibition (SITCE)

This manufacturing innovation platform was developed by the Hyundai Motor Group Innovation Centre in Singapore (HMGICS). It includes demand-driven, AI-based intelligent control systems, eco-friendly, low-carbon construction methods, and human-friendly facilities that enable safe and efficient working conditions.

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Also read: Hyundai says Singapore Innovation Centre a cornerstone for new gen manufacturing

Singapore-developed innovations to power Hyundai's new Korean EV plant 01

A CGI image of Hyundai's newest EV plant in Korea

This method will also be introduced to diversify vehicle models in response to global market changes and automate assembly facilities. Being an EV-dedicated plant, sustainability is another key feature with a nature-friendly design and maximising the use of natural light throughout the facility.

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Hyundai’s new EV-dedicated Ulsan plant is the italic H brand’s first new plant in Korea following the opening of the Asan plant in 1996. The existing Ulsan facility is home to most of Hyundai’s current models with Plant 1 which was completed in 1968 currently manufacturing the Kona and Ioniq 5.

Also read: Review: Hyundai Ioniq 5 Max in Malaysia - Can it compete with the Tesla Model Y?

Singapore-developed innovations to power Hyundai's new Korean EV plant 03

The Ulsan manufacturing complex has 5 plants currently with the upcoming sixth plant being built on Hyundai’s former proving grounds. The proving ground was used in the 1980s and 1990s when Hyundai sought to expand overseas with budget-friendly cars.

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While the Ioniq range of EVs is what Hyundai is known for today, its first EV prototype was shown in 1991. More than 30 years later, the same EV prototype based on the second-gen Y2 Sonata was shown to the gathered audience at the groundbreaking ceremony.

Also read: Proton’s electric dream of the past – Proton Iriz EV auctioned off

Singapore-developed innovations to power Hyundai's new Korean EV plant 05

Genesis' current range of EVs

Hyundai’s Ulsan EV plant is scheduled to be completed in 2025 with the vehicle mass production commencing in the first quarter of 2026 (Q1 2026). The plant has a capacity to produce 200,000 EVs per year and an upcoming electric SUV from Hyundai’s luxury brand, Genesis will be the first model produced there.

Also read: What’s Genesis? Meet the Korean Lexus and a recent addition to the Sultan of Johor’s collection

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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