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Score some cool Honda Malaysia X PMC merchandise on Shopee on 1-April!

CY Foong · Mar 17, 2021 03:00 PM

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This is the first time both PMC and Honda Malaysia have collaborated with one another. The cool threads will be officially available on 1-April 2021 at the Honda Malaysia Official Store exclusively on Shopee.

Score some cool Honda Malaysia X PMC merchandise on Shopee on 1-April! 01

“The collection draws inspiration from the journey of Honda Malaysia as a company that has touched more than a million Malaysian lives, and also from the proposition that 1 million people have experienced and driven a Honda at some point in their life. It emphasises the idea of 1 Million Dreams driven by 1 million people,” Honda Malaysia Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Toichi Ishiyama said.

Score some cool Honda Malaysia X PMC merchandise on Shopee on 1-April! 02

The specially-designed One Million Dreams Collection is available in limited quantities only and comprises six unisex items in stylish and trendy designs:

  • Reversible Bucket Hat
  • Neck Pouch
  • Polo Shirt
  • Short Sleeve Shirt
  • Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Racing Jacket

There will also be an exclusive bundle package which will be sold at a special price for customers who purchase the Honda Official Merchandise Special Edition and selected ‘TEI’ Series Merchandise from Honda Malaysia Official Store on Shopee.

Score some cool Honda Malaysia X PMC merchandise on Shopee on 1-April! 03

Honda Malaysia is also offering a special reward to customers with Limited Early Bird Pre-launch vouchers worth RM 20, which is equivalent to 2,000 Shopee Coins. Customers can register for the pre-launch vouchers via Honda Malaysia’s official Facebook page from 17-March until 28-March 2021.

Score some cool Honda Malaysia X PMC merchandise on Shopee on 1-April! 04

A unique voucher code will be sent to customers on 31-March 2021. The use of the voucher code is based on a first-come-first-serve basis whereby the first 100 customers will be able to use it to shop for the exclusive merchandise on Shopee.

If you're more interested in scoring one of the seven exclusive Honda models, you can check out the video below to see how!

Also read: Honda Malaysia kicks off 1 Million Dreams contest, frontliners have higher chances

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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