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Scoop: China's GWM could launch a premium luxury brand to challenge Rolls-Royce

CY Foong · Feb 5, 2024 03:20 PM

Scoop: China's GWM could launch a premium luxury brand to challenge Rolls-Royce 01

Credit: Autohome

Great Wall Motors (GWM) currently has 5 sub-brands – Haval, Wey, Ora, Tank, and GWM – but even that is not enough. According to Chinese media, the Hebei-based carmaker is looking to launch a sixth brand to penetrate the luxury market.

Scoop: China's GWM could launch a premium luxury brand to challenge Rolls-Royce 02

Nope, its eyes aren’t targeting Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Jaguar, or Lexus but something even grander. Autohome reported that GWM’s newest brand will be targeting Rolls-Royce or at least offer a similar wheelbase length as the Spirit of Ecstasy.

The Chinese automotive publication reported that the upcoming brand, currently codenamed ZX (No relation to Citroen’s 30-year-old hatchback), will feature a high-end electrified sedan with a wheelbase of 5,500 mm.

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Scoop: China's GWM could launch a premium luxury brand to challenge Rolls-Royce 01

Ghost (top) and Hongqi H9

So far, Autohome only published a sketch of the upcoming model which not only has the presence of a Rolls-Royce but also of another high-end Chinese carmaker, Hongqi. Based on the dimensions given, GWM’s ZX has a longer wheelbase than the Hongqi H9 (5,100 mm) but is still slightly shorter than the Rolls-Royce Ghost (5,546 mm).

Also read: Top Rank: From Rolls-Royce to Hongqi, the 8 most luxurious cars in the world

Scoop: China's GWM could launch a premium luxury brand to challenge Rolls-Royce 02

GWM Thailand showroom shown

GWM’s upcoming high-end marque will also have its own dedicated sales channel. In most markets, GWM’s sub-brands are sold in the same showroom but it also remains to be seen whether ZX would be offered outside of China.

Its chief Chinese rival, Hongqi, has expanded in overseas markets like Korea and the Middle East but a Chinese marque with little historic pedigree will always be niche compared to Rolls-Royce. GWM must have high ambitions to set up another new brand but how long it will last remains a question for the future to ponder.

Also read: Hongqi H9 is now exported to Korea, this is not a joke

Scoop: China's GWM could launch a premium luxury brand to challenge Rolls-Royce 03

Haval H6 and Jolion previewed at the 2023 Malaysia Autoshow

In Malaysia, only the Ora brand is available officially though GWM has previewed the Haval H6 and Jolion as well as the GWM Cannon to both the media and the general public.

Also read: CKD GWM Malaysia models confirmed for 2024 - Haval H6 and Haval Jolion included but Ora Good Cat left out

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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