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Proton aims to increase exports in 2021, CKD in Pakistan to start soon

Eric · Dec 17, 2020 10:25 AM

Proton aims to increase exports in 2021, CKD in Pakistan to start soon 01

While Proton was able to buck the local industry trend with a steady growth in 2020 despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the company has also managed to grow its export business by 10.6%.

Proton aims to increase exports in 2021, CKD in Pakistan to start soon 02

Proton has recently commenced CKD operations in Kenya

Over the coming weeks, Proton will announce as many as five market introductions, with one marking the export market debut of the Proton X50, and another two signifying the kick-off for local assembly and sales of Proton vehicles in other markets.

Proton aims to increase exports in 2021, CKD in Pakistan to start soon 03

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“While local market leadership is one of our targets, it is equally vital for the Proton brand to build up its presence internationally, representing both the company and Malaysia. This was part of the 10-year plan that was devised at the beginning of our strategic partnership with Geely,” said Dato’ Sri Syed Faisal Albar, Chairman of Proton Holdings Berhad.

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Proton aims to increase exports in 2021, CKD in Pakistan to start soon 01

“However, parts of the export plans were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as each country had different responses and restrictions. Still, thanks to our diligent work and the strong support of various government agencies, we are finally getting back on track. Therefore, in just a few short weeks, we will be announcing the commencement of CKD and sales operations in Kenya and Pakistan as well as the international market debut of the Proton X50 in Brunei,” he added.

Proton aims to increase exports in 2021, CKD in Pakistan to start soon 02

Proton resumed its export business back in 2018

Aside from the aforementioned countries, Bangladesh and Egypt will also be hosting virtual product launches for the current Proton Saga this month. This will be followed by a similar launch to occur in Nepal just as the year draws to a close.

Proton aims to increase exports in 2021, CKD in Pakistan to start soon 03

Exports of Proton cars began with the Proton Saga in 1989 and since then, 405,267 units have been sold in various markets globally. At the end of November 2020, the number of Proton vehicles exported to other countries had already exceeded the total from the year before.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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