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Nissan dealer celebrates 60th anniversary with a kawaii anime short

CY Foong · Jul 29, 2021 05:45 PM

Nissan dealer celebrates 60th anniversary with a kawaii anime short 01

Yamagata Nissan Group is one of the oldest Nissan dealership groups in Japan and is celebrating its 60th anniversary. In commemoration of that achievement, it uploaded a 30-second anime-inspired commercial.

Some weebs anime fans might recognise the art style which looks similar to those from Makoto Shinkai (Your Name, Weathering with You) and that’s because the anime was produced by Koichiro Ito, one of the producers for some of Shinkai’s films.

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Nissan dealer celebrates 60th anniversary with a kawaii anime short 01

In the commercial, we see a girl’s journey growing up and based on some of the cars used, she grew up with Nissans. There’s a third-gen March and a second-gen Note portrayed in some of the scenes. Eventually, we see that she's a salesperson for a Yamagata Nissan dealer.

Nissan dealer celebrates 60th anniversary with a kawaii anime short 02

However, the commercial also teased what looks like the next-gen C28 Nissan Serena. Though Nissan has yet to announce anything official, from the short glimpses of it, the design looks nearly similar to the one rendered by BestCarWeb.

Also read: Scoop: Next-gen 2021 Nissan Serena to debut in Oct with mini-Elgrand looks?

Nissan dealer celebrates 60th anniversary with a kawaii anime short 03

Overall, it’s a wholesome anime short that sees our unnamed heroine growing up to become a salesperson at a Yamagata Nissan dealer. Perhaps the dealership is using the same tactic posed by McDonald’s Japan a few years ago to hire new salespersons?

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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