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New Lexus RX – we show you what's new for 2019

Eric · Sep 13, 2019 12:56 PM

2019 Lexus RX front

Lexus Malaysia recently introduced the new RX here in Malaysia, giving its mid-sized luxury crossover a much-needed update.

Now let’s take a side-by-side look of the new RX with the model it replaces.

New Lexus RX – we show you what's new for 2019 02

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Up front, new ‘triple beam’ LED headlights flank Lexus’ iconic spindle grille. These headlights are also slimmer in profile than the outgoing units, but you’d be hard pressed to differentiate them. Apart from that, the front fog lights have been repositioned to the edges of the bumper. The F Sport variant seen here also gets larger fog light trim than the regular variant.

2019 Lexus RX headights

Towards the side of the new RX, the Premium and Luxury variants receive newly-redesigned 20-inch alloy wheels, while the F Sport variant receives similar looking wheels as the older model.

2019 Lexus RX tail lights

A mildly-refreshed rear end helps to complete the exterior of the new RX. New tail lights and a reprofiled bumper help to keep the new RX looking fresh. The most obvious difference is the repositioned reflectors.

2019 Lexus RX interior

As for the interior of the new RX, there are more USB charging ports than before, as Lexus has placed 2 USB ports beside the Qi wireless charging pad. Apart from the additional USB ports, the new RX is now compatible with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay.

The new Lexus RX is also safer than before, as all variants of the new RX are equipped with the Lexus Safety System+ suite of advanced driver assistance system.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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