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Myford Touch Misleads? Owners Could Get Damages!

Gemma · Aug 9, 2019 11:42 AM

Proton Saga armoured up a new infotainment system in the mid-life facelift. Some Ford vehicles also have the infotainment system updated, but not for facelift or whatsoever, but for its congenital defect.

Law firm Hagens Berman said in a release on Tuesday that Ford and Lincoln reached compensation agreements with more than 360,000 owners in California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Washington.

Myford Touch Misleads? Owners Could Get Damages! 01

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According to the Top Class Actions, Ford has set aside $17 million to settle the class-action lawsuit.

Under the settlement, owners who purchased or leased a Ford or Lincoln vehicle installed the early versions of Myford Touch and Mylincoln Touch infotainment system before August 9, 2013, are entitled to the compensation.

The amounts of the compensation depend on the frequency that an owner or lessee needed to service their vehicle for an infotainment system repair. If the repair demand figure is three times or more, they will receive up to $400.

Specifically, these two notorious systems equipped in 2011-2013 Ford and Lincoln vehicles have caused a lot of trouble for owners, even seriously affecting the driving experience: (i) voice commands are cumbersome in performing simple tasks; (ii) the screens on some models are hard to reach, and there are many buttons scattered in confusion; (iii) the system might misread the location of the vehicle and freezes or crashes.

When the problem is first reported, Ford dealers tried to "solve" the problem by training buyers on how to solve innate flaws. Then the complaining and criticizing spread out and being recorded into the 2012 Consumer Reports Survey, that's when Jim Farley, the company's marketing chief, stood out and promise to fix the problem. The grumble gradually eased down with the updates and extended warranties provided by the make, the flaws, however, remains - Although Ford agreed to reconcile, in a statement, Ford denied wrongdoing and any problems with the system and released a software update.

“Class members are entitled to a dealer-installed or self-installed software update to the current compatible (MyFord Touch) software version,” Ford states on its website. “To determine if a software update is available for self-installation for your vehicle, click here.”

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