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Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true?

Jason · Jun 9, 2021 11:00 AM

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 01

Back in the day - or even today actually -, one would 'upgrade' to a German automobile to display an upward trajectory in life. Of German cars, the perennial contenders would be from Stuttgart (mostly Pekan nowadays), Munich (read Kulim) or Ingolstadt (still..... err Ingolstadt actually). 

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 02

I am of course talking about Germany's big three: Mercedes, BMW and Audi. Three premium luxury brands who interpret luxury and driving experience in their own ways. So, how do they actually differ? What is the X-factor for each brand? We attempt to unravel that today. 

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Mercedes - A first-class lounge

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 01

My childhood were filled with memories of Mercedes-Benzes. They pretty much dominated my family's garage. My parents owned the W201 190E and also the W124 260E. I had uncles who've owned the W123 E-Class and W126 S-Class. 

Also read: Timeless, beautiful, desirable. The Mercedes 190E is all of these things to me

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 02

Facelift W124 model, note the clear indicator lamps and detached Mercedes logo from the grille

The overarching theme? Well, yes they were incredibly well built, inside out. The cabin reeked of quality and class. The Mercedes cars of today are all about the cabin 'bling' factor, even if the touchpoints and build quality cannot quite match the ones from the 'over-engineered' era.

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 03

Mercedeses of yore also rode with a majestic suppleness on the roads. Of the 3 carmakers here, it's the best. They were decent to drive, but weren't the most dynamic cars on the market (the 190E was the exception, yes I am biased).

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 04

Does this sentiment still hold true today? It has been more yes than no. Recent Mercedeses have gone back to being pretty good at the comfort part (the the W205 C-Class being the obvious exception). Our recent experiences with the A250 sedan (AMG Line no less) and the GLE 450 showed that Mercedes is able and capable of delivering ride comfort. 

Also read: Review: 2021 Mercedes-Benz GLE 450 – Opulence that makes you forget about its rivals

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 05

If you like swanky interiors, modern Mercedeses are where it's at

As with the handling bit, it's good, but not great. Mercedeses have lacked that final bit of dynamic sparkle that BMWs have, and it is still true. Sure, the modern-day Mercedes is blessed with punchy engines and slick transmissions, but even today, nobody would buy a Mercedes expecting it to outdrive a BMW. Mercedes buyers very much prefer to lounge in comfort and serenity.

BMW - A great steer, everytime

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 06

Nobody does sports sedan better than BMW

Make no mistake, BMWs have always nailed the fundamentals of sporty driving, even in regular, cooking models. As a teenager, I sat in the E46 3-Series and marvelled at just how driver-centric everything was inside (the center stack was angled towards the driver, super cool!).

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 07

E46 BMW M3: Notice how the center stack is angled towards the driver. Brilliant!

Today? Well, it would seem that some of the essence of what made BMWs so lovely to drive is kind of lost on the inside. Don't get me wrong, BMW's driving position is still the best of the 3 here, but in pursuing a new design direction, some of that 'driver centric-ness' faded into the background. What you get with modern BMW interiors: sombre, functional, with not much flair.

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 08

The driving experience? Yes, BMWs mostly still excel at that. BMW took to turbocharging like duck to water. Engine (the M340i's B58 is a treat!) and transmission harmony is wonderful. You flex your foot, the gearchanges of the now-ubiquitious ZF 8-speed automatic is seamless, snappy and synapse-quick. This attribute, BMW hasn't lost. 

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 09

Is there a better 6-cylinder than the B58?

What's more, BMWs still have sharpness infused into its handling. If you're looking for a incisive and precise steer, BMW does it better than its Teutonic brethrens here. The trade off is that, the ride is also pretty sharp, especially in the G20 330i.

BMW seems consistently undecided on the pliancy on the 3 Series. The previous generation F30 seemed to strike a nice balance between ride and handling, only for the G20 to be unnecessarily firm. In fact, the G20 feels much like the F30's predecessor, the E90. Would it matter to one who loves driving? Probably not, ultimately.

Also read: Review: BMW M340i xDrive, is this the four-door Toyota GR Supra?

Audi - The middle ground

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 01

Understated class, a classic Audi trait

Well, Audi, what of Audi? Then and now, Audi has forged a reputation for being well built, but a little staid. This is as German as German cars could get: straight-laced, fast, and very solid. It strikes a very interesting middle ground compared to Mercedes and BMW. 

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 02

Audi's interior prowess was apparent very early on

Nothing middle ground about how Audi does interiors though. It's understated (much like its exterior), classy and oozes quality everywhere you touch. Knobs and switches click expensively, touchpoints and haptics are right on the money. Mercedes? Too over the top. BMW? Pales in comparison.

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 03

The driving experience is where the middle ground is. Audis of old were never magically cosetting to begin with, nor were they scalpel-sharp to drive. This trait is still seen in modern Audis, like the A5 Sportback or TTS I sampled recently. They both ride with a firm edge, but without the occasionally-jarring sharpness of say, a G20 BMW 330i.

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 04

Also read: Review: Audi A5 Sportback - When you find the BMW 4 Series too boring

Grip, is the overwhelming theme when it comes to the handling behaviour of Audis, old or new. It's safe, weather-proof, and mostly nose-led. Nothing wrong with that, as many buyers actually prize this attribute when buying an Audi. Just don't expect a playful chassis that will set your backside on fire. 


Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 05

The automotive world would be a very boring place if everyone did things the same way. It's remarkable that, from the same country can come 3 carmakers whose philosophies and approaches to carmaking differ so significantly. 

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 06

At the end of it, there's no right or wrong in how these marques express their vision in the form of cars. Find the one that speaks to you the most. Take me for example. Because I prize driving involvement over most things, BMWs speak to me more than the other two. Ride comfort, and a posh interior be damned.

Mercedes for comfort, BMW for drivers, Audi for everything else. Still true? 07



Road Test Editor

Jason's foremost passion is all things automotive, where he spent his formative working years as a Product Planner and Trainer. An Advanced Driving Instructor by training and an all-round enthusiast, Jason loves going into intricate details about driving dynamics. Will drive anything with 4 wheels and a steering.

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