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Keep your air-cooled legends alive at Malaysia's first Porsche Classic Partner in JB

CY Foong · Dec 2, 2022 12:00 PM

Keep your air-cooled legends alive at Malaysia's first Porsche Classic Partner in JB 01

The newly opened Porsche Centre Johor Bahru located at Danga Bay isn’t just Porsche Malaysia’s first ever 4S centre, it is also home to the first certified Porsche Classic Partner in the country.

Keep your air-cooled legends alive at Malaysia's first Porsche Classic Partner in JB 02

This isn’t the first Porsche Classic Centre in Asia, let alone Southeast Asia as they are also located in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Thailand. Like others around the world, Malaysia’s first Porsche Classic Centre is located on a small corner of the Porsche Centre itself.

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Keep your air-cooled legends alive at Malaysia's first Porsche Classic Partner in JB 01

You can update your old-school stereo unit for a modern one with navigation

Being a Porsche Classic Partner brings with it a host of benefits and new opportunities including technical support, the use of genuine Porsche spare parts, direct access, interaction with Porsche AG Classic, and a special procurement process for classic vehicle parts that are no longer available.

In other words, Porsche offers to breathe new life into these classics to ensure that these legends will remain on the road for a long time.

Keep your air-cooled legends alive at Malaysia's first Porsche Classic Partner in JB 02

Certified trainers and technicians by Porsche AG are on hand to offer personalised service to classic Porsche owners in providing the best maintenance options, or factory-approved restoration service for their beloved classic sports car.

Also read: Porsche and TOC get in bed to make some Porsche-trained technician babies

Keep your air-cooled legends alive at Malaysia's first Porsche Classic Partner in JB 03

Stepping inside the Porsche Classic section of the Porsche Centre, your eyes would be greeted by the sight of a heritage model from the iconic German sports car brand to inform or enhance the heritage-themed brand experience for customers and fans alike.

Also read: JB is home to Porsche's first 4S centre in Malaysia - now with body repair shop

Keep your air-cooled legends alive at Malaysia's first Porsche Classic Partner in JB 04

Old meets new

For its opening to the media and select customers, a pristine, white Porsche 964 Carrera Cabriolet was on display at the Porsche Classic section. Looking at how clean this classic is might be reassuring to other owners of classic Porsches around Malaysia (and Singapore).

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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