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Jaecoo Malaysia: Dealer locations to be separate from Chery's, positioned as a premium offering

Sanjay ยท Mar 15, 2024 11:21 AM

Jaecoo Malaysia: Dealer locations to be separate from Chery's, positioned as a premium offering 01

Jaecoo Malaysia maintains their premium positioning will be different from Chery's more mainstream ideals, and their arrangement of dealer locations and marketing activities will reflect that, says company Vice-President, Emily Lek.

"We will be a seperate brand, we may have shared dealers, but our locations will be separate. It won't share with Chery showrooms, even our roadshows will not be combined," Lek clarified at a media event in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.   

"We are catered not to go against one another, but catered to go for a different category. We want to be premium, so we don't generally join with mass-market brands," Lek stated.

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Jaecoo Malaysia: Dealer locations to be separate from Chery's, positioned as a premium offering 01

The J7 is currently making its Klang Valley public preview rounds

Jaecoo has yet to disclose the locations of their dealerships in the meantime, but we'll have greater clarity by the time their first model โ€“ the J7 โ€“ launches in the middle of this year.

Another model, the J8, is slated for its Malaysian apperance in late-2024.

Also read: Jaecoo J7 makes public Malaysian debut at Desa Park City, kicks off nationwide roadshow


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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