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Isuzu D-Max enters production in South Africa, joins Thailand and India as regional hub

Hans · May 9, 2022 04:14 PM

Isuzu D-Max enters production in South Africa, joins Thailand and India as regional hub 01

South Africa is now the third country after Thailand and India to manufacture the RG generation Isuzu D-Max.

Like Thailand, South Africa has a very strong truck culture, where pick-ups trucks are referred to by the locals as ‘bakkies.’

Isuzu D-Max enters production in South Africa, joins Thailand and India as regional hub 02

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The South African market Isuzu D-Max will be assembled at the company’s local subsidiary Isuzu Motors South Africa (Pty) Limited’s plant in Gqeberha (formerly known as Port Elizabeth).

The South Africa-made Isuzu D-Max will be exported to 34 countries in the Sub-Sahara regions.

Isuzu D-Max enters production in South Africa, joins Thailand and India as regional hub 01

Closer to home, our local Malaysian specs Isuzu D-Max are imported (CBU) from Thailand.

Prices start from RM 90,449 for the cheapest 1.9L 4x4 MT Single Cab variant, while double-cab variants start from RM 107,449 for the 1.9L 4x4 MT variant, reaching up to RM 142,438 for the range topping 3.0L 4x4 AT X-Terrain variant.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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