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HR-V too expensive? Circa RM 75k price hinted for this Ativa-rivaling Honda SUV RS concept

Eric · May 20, 2022 05:39 PM

HR-V too expensive? Circa RM 75k price hinted for this Ativa-rivaling Honda SUV RS concept 01

It has been half a year since Honda showcased the Honda SUV RS Concept during the 2021 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show 2021 (2021 GIIAS), but the model has yet to go on sale, as Honda is currently gauging public response across Indonesia.

HR-V too expensive? Circa RM 75k price hinted for this Ativa-rivaling Honda SUV RS concept 02

Over the past couple of months, the Honda SUV RS Concept has found its way to Surabaya, Bandung, and Semarang, in which Honda Indonesia is gathering valuable customer feedback and gauging public response to its yet-to-be launched SUV.

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Also Read: The Honda SUV RS Concept will scare off the Ativa and here are 25 photos to prove it

HR-V too expensive? Circa RM 75k price hinted for this Ativa-rivaling Honda SUV RS concept 01

That said, one of the surveys commissioned by Honda Indonesia mentioned a tentative price point of IDR 250 million (~RM 75k) to IDR 350 million (~RM 105k), should the SUV RS Concept enter series production.

Also Read: Future Perodua Ativa rival, Honda SUV RS Concept continues testing public interest in Bandung

HR-V too expensive? Circa RM 75k price hinted for this Ativa-rivaling Honda SUV RS concept 02

For context, the IDR 250 million starting price would put the hypothetical production version of the SUV RS Concept right smack into the Daihatsu Rocky and Toyota Raize’s territory. 

Also Read: Ativa-rivalling Honda ZR-V rendered based on SUV RS Concept

Could the SUV RS Concept be the next-gen WR-V?

HR-V too expensive? Circa RM 75k price hinted for this Ativa-rivaling Honda SUV RS concept 03

There is a good possibility that the SUV RS Concept could materialize into the second-generation Honda WR-V, instead of the earlier speculated Honda ZR-V. The latter is the name of the new Civic-based SUV that slots between the HR-V and CR-V for Europe and China.

HR-V too expensive? Circa RM 75k price hinted for this Ativa-rivaling Honda SUV RS concept 04

In the past, Honda Indonesia also mentioned that this crossover will eventually be offered in the ASEAN region, likely including Malaysia as well. Apart from the ASEAN region, said crossover will also be offered in developing nations, like South America.

Also Read: Watch out Ativa, this Honda SUV RS Concept could preview the ZR-V, Malaysia launch in 2022?



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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