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From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni

Arvind · Feb 27, 2023 10:15 AM

From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni 01

Designed to provide the utmost safety for every driver, passenger and pedestrian – 70mai has just raised the bar even higher with the first-of-its-kind 70mai Dash Cam Omni.

Featuring patented cutting-edge technology, look nowhere else for the most comprehensive dash cam on sale – combining 360-degree full-view protection, enhanced night vision performance, 24-hour Al parking surveillance, and many other useful features in a compact, striking package.

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Coinciding with the official launch, the 70mai Dash Cam Omni with a memory capacity of 32 GB - 128GB is now available at a price of RM 599 - RM 799. Additionally, customers can opt for the 4G Hardwire Kit at prices starting from RM 779 - RM 989. Click HERE for an exclusive offer on your very own 70mai Dash Cam Omni now.

Clear as day, even at night

From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni 01

the 70mai Omni is compact and stylish and is installed easily in any car

At the heart of the 70mai 70mai Dash Cam Omni is its motor-driven 340-degree swivel view design which integrates an F1.5 large-aperture PureCel Plus-S HDR camera to provide a 360-degree view of the inside and outside of the vehicle with minimised distortion and zero blindspots.

The 70mai Dash Cam Omni records up to 1080P Full-HD, 2K resolution images at a 60FPS frame rate which is processed via proprietary algorithms for unparalleled clarity and detail of scenery, road signs, and license plates, both day and night.

Unparalleled security for you and your vehicle

The 70mai Dash Cam Omni doesn't just work when driving - it also provides security when parked. Featuring an Al-based Human Detection algorithm, the 70mai Dash Cam Omni is capable of identifying a threat and tracking a person (for up to 60 seconds) when near your vehicle. 

From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni 02

This works in the same way in the case of collision, panning its camera towards a collision, or towards another car, in the case of a hit-and-run accident. In emergency cases, users can use the 70mai Dash Cam Omni's Smart voice control function to immediately record incidents. 

Simply say "shoot emergency video" and the 70mai Dash Cam Omni will instinctively track, determine and record the incident. 

Real-time communication with the 70mai 4g Hardwire kit

From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni 03

Opt for the optional 4g Hardwire kit and the 70mai Dash Cam Omni is now in touch with you at all times. The 4g Hardwire kit allows for the following additional functions:

  • Real-time footage sync - see what the 70mai Omni sees
  • Real-time messaging - know immediately when there's an alert
  • GPS car location / Find My Car - know where your car is at all times. Private and secure.

More fun on the roads

From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni 04

Safety and security aren't all that 70mai Dash Cam Omni offers. With many added user features, users can have more fun on their journeys with the 70mai Dash Cam Omni. Using the Smart voice control function, you can tell your 70mai Dash Cam Omni to capture a scenery on the left, right or even you and your passengers. 

Simply instruct it to "take selfie" or "shoot a vlog" to record precious moments while driving. Your 70mai Dash Cam Omni communicates via a 1.2-inch screen and LED glow ring, displaying 10 cute 'Maix' emojis and scenarios based on reactive emojis for more fun while you drive.

Grab limited-time offers while you can

From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni 05

Optional 4G Hardwire kit (black) shown

The 70mai Dash Cam Omni is available exclusively at the 70mai LazMall Flagship Store on Lazada from February 27 - March 5, 2023. The first 100 buyers during this period stand a chance to win free 70mai official merchandise to sweeten the deal.

From RM 599, the best dash cam on sale, period! Introducing the 70mai Dash Cam Omni 06

In case you missed it,  click HERE for an exclusive offer on your very own 70mai Dash Cam Omni. 


Senior Writer

Arvind can't remember a time when he didn't wheel around a HotWheels car. This love evolved into an interest in Tamiya and RC cars and finally the real deal 1:1 scale stuff. Passion finally lead to formal training in Mechanical Engineering. Instead of the bigger picture, he obsesses with the final drive ratio and spring rates of cars and spends the weekends wondering why a Perodua Myvi is so fast.

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