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Exported from Malaysia: BMW 6 Series GT launched in Thailand

Eric ยท Mar 27, 2020 01:52 PM

Exported from Malaysia: BMW 6 Series GT launched in Thailand 01

BMW Group Thailand has just launched the 630i M Sport, with the model imported from Malaysia.

Like the Malaysian-market car, power is derived from a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder petrol engine that does 258 PS from 5,000 rpm to 6,500 rpm and 400 Nm from 1,550 rpm to 4,400 rpm.

Exported from Malaysia: BMW 6 Series GT launched in Thailand 02

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An 8-speed automatic transmission sends power to the rear wheels. 0-100 km/h is dispatched in 6.3 seconds.

The BMW 630i GT is priced from THB 4,399,000 for the M Sport, making the model THB 300,000 cheaper than the 630d M Sport variant.

Exported from Malaysia: BMW 6 Series GT launched in Thailand 01

The diesel-powered 630d does 265 PS and a whopping 620 Nm. The same 0-100 km/h sprint is completely in just 6.1 seconds.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If heโ€™s not gaming, heโ€™s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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2021 BMW 6 Series GT 630i M Sport


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