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Coming to Malaysia, Stellantis to export Leapmotor C10 and T03 in Q4 2024

Hans · May 16, 2024 10:55 AM

Coming to Malaysia, Stellantis to export Leapmotor C10 and T03 in Q4 2024 01

Leapmotor C10

Leapmotor International, the export-only joint venture between Stellantis and China’s Hangzhou-based Leapmotor, will begin exports to countries in the Asia Pacific, Middle East, India, and Africa in the fourth quarter of this year.

Leapmotor International is 51 percent owned by Stellantis. It’s a separate entity from the China domestic market-only Leapmotor.

Two models have been earmarked for exports, C/D-segment (5-seater) Leapmotor C10 and the A-segment T03.

Coming to Malaysia, Stellantis to export Leapmotor C10 and T03 in Q4 2024 02

Leapmotor T03

In China, the C10 is available either as a fully electric battery EV (BEV), or an extended range EV (EREV) with a 1.5-litre petrol engine (used solely as a back-up generator). However, Stellantis has confirmed that only the BEV variant will be exported.

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We’ve have covered the C10 and T03 earlier. You can find out the specifications of these two models in this post.

Coming to Malaysia, Stellantis to export Leapmotor C10 and T03 in Q4 2024 01

Beyond 2025, Stellantis will launch at least one Leapmotor model every year, for the next three years.

Stellantis has already confirmed that it will be launching Leapmotor in Malaysia in the near-term. The brand will be making its first public debut at next week’s Malaysia Auto Show.

Coming to Malaysia, Stellantis to export Leapmotor C10 and T03 in Q4 2024 02


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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