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CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show

Hans · Apr 15, 2022 05:43 PM

CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show 01

  • CKD Hyundai Ioniq 5 makes up 51 percent of new Hyundai cars booked at the 2022 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS)
  • Over 3,000 visitors test drove the Ioniq 5, first EV experience for many
  • Hyundai Ioniq 5 is locally-assembled (CKD) in Indonesia, a world’s first

The locally-assembled (CKD) Hyundai Ioniq 5 for Indonesia is off to a very strong start in ASEAN’s largest car market. At the recently concluded 2022 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS, 31-March to 10-April), Hyundai recorded over 800 bookings for the Ioniq 5.

CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show 02

In total, the company collected over 1,500 bookings, mostly contributed by the Ioniq 5 and Hyundai Creta.

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This is despite the fact that Hyundai has yet to confirm prices of the Ioniq 5, although dealers are quoting an estimated price of IDR 700 million to IDR 800 million (~RM 206k to RM 236k), available in both 58 kWh and 72.6 kWh battery sizes, same as Malaysia.

CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show 01

For reference, the imported-from-Korea (CBU) Hyundai Ioniq 5 sells in Malaysia for RM 199,888 to RM 259,888.

Also readFrom RM 199.9k, Ioniq 5 SUV launched in Malaysia: up to 430km range, V2L powerbank function, 3 variants

CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show 02

Hyundai also added that more than 3,000 visitors signed up to test drive the Ioniq 5. For many visitors, this was their first experience of driving a silent battery electric vehicle (battery EV, or BEV).

Indonesia’s Hyundai Ioniq 5 will be the first to be produced outside of Korea.

CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show 03

Production of the CKD Hyundai Ioniq 5 will soon start in the coming months, at the company’s new plant in Bekasi, West Java.

Also read: Hyundai Indonesia to launch Ioniq 5 in March 2022, CKD model coming soon

CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show 04

Operated by Hyundai’s manufacturing subsidiary PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (HMMI), the 150,000 units per year plant (expansion to 250,000 units possible) started production in March 2022 with the Hyundai Creta, with the Ioniq 5 to follow later this year.

CKD Ioniq 5 makes up over 50 percent of Hyundai’s total bookings at 2022 Indonesia Motor Show 05

Hyundai said it aims to export 40 percent of the plant’s output to neighbouring countries in the region, including Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Philippines, but stopped short of confirming if the Ioniq 5 will be among the models exported.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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2022 Hyundai Ioniq 5 Lite


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