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BMW M cars outsold Mercedes-AMG by 20k units in 2020!

CY Foong Β· Jan 13, 2021 04:30 PM

BMW M cars outsold Mercedes-AMG by 20k units in 2020! 01

The rivalry between BMW M GmbH and Mercedes-AMG is as eternal as it goes. With Mercedes-Benz and BMW recently releasing their 2020 sales figures, once again we pit both the mighty German brands head-to-head.

While Mercedes-Benz does its best in introducing potent AMG models left and right, based on sales data, it’s BMW’s M-badged performance cars that most buyers prefer.

BMW M cars outsold Mercedes-AMG by 20k units in 2020! 02

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In 2020, BMW M GmbH sold 144,218 cars worldwide while Mercedes-Benz sold 125,129 of its Mercedes-AMG models. That meant BMW sold nearly 20,000 more M cars than the performance-oriented three-pointed star.

BMW M cars outsold Mercedes-AMG by 20k units in 2020! 01

Both these numbers also showed two different tales for each brand. In terms of sales, BMW saw an increase of 5.9% for its M division buoyed by the introduction of some high-performance X series models such as the X6 M50i. BMW also launched the all-new G80 M3 and G84 M4 with much controversy in 2020.

BMW M cars outsold Mercedes-AMG by 20k units in 2020! 02

On the other hand, sales of Mercedes-AMG models went down 5.3% in 2020. Still, despite the slump, there has been some growth in the brand’s largest market, the USA, with a new sales record and a growth of 1.5% achieved. The high-performance brand also scored some new fans in China with an increase of 32.3% in sales.

Overall, both BMW Group and Mercedes-Benz Cars (excluding commercial vans) have a very tumultuous 2020 with sales down overall for both companies (-8.4 % for BMW, -10.3% for Mercedes-Benz).

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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