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A modern S2000, production Honda Sports EV could debut in 2022

Sanjay · Jun 1, 2021 10:00 AM

A modern S2000, production Honda Sports EV could debut in 2022 01

According to a Japanese publication, the Honda Sports EV electric sports car could make its debut in 2022, five years after it was first shown as a concept at the 2017 Tokyo Motor Show.

A modern S2000, production Honda Sports EV could debut in 2022 02

With cost-sharing being a thing, the production Sports EV will reportedly share the same rear-wheel drive, electric-only platform and powertrain with the Honda e.

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Also read: Honda e spotted in Thailand! Any future in Malaysia?

A modern S2000, production Honda Sports EV could debut in 2022 01

For context, the e's powertrain comprises of a 154 PS / 315 Nm electric motor and a 35.5 kWh lithium-ion battery, which enables the cutesy hatch to complete the century sprint in just 8 seconds, while returning a circa-200 km EV-only range.

A modern S2000, production Honda Sports EV could debut in 2022 02

With Honda keen on going full-EV by 2040, perhaps the company could also introduce higher-performance variants for the Sports EV - perhaps, as a Type R?

Also read: Honda to be fully EV by 2040, goodbye VTEC and Type R

A modern S2000, production Honda Sports EV could debut in 2022 03

Looks-wise, the showroom-bound coupe could retain much of the 2017 concept's core styling, but some design elements such as the pop-out door handles, illuminated side skirts and front grille, and slim side mirrors will definitely be toned down before the car enters production.

A modern S2000, production Honda Sports EV could debut in 2022 04

While the carmaker has yet to confirm this news, the same report claims that development seems to be 'proceeding smoothly', and running prototypes have been spotted around Honda's head office in Aoyama, Tokyo.


Senior Writer

With humble beginnings collecting diecast models and spending hours virtually tuning dream cars on the computer, his love of cars has delightfully transformed into a career. Sanjay enjoys how the same passion for cars transcends boundaries and brings people together.

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