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2 units of VW ID.4 undergoing trial in Malaysia - Launch by VPCM imminent? RM 250k price for 77 kWh variant?

Hans · Aug 26, 2022 01:21 PM

2 units of VW ID.4 undergoing trial in Malaysia - Launch by VPCM imminent? RM 250k price for 77 kWh variant? 01

Globally, Volkswagen is one of the most active brands in the space of battery electric vehicles. Its electric-only ID series now count 5 models – the Golf-size ID.3, the SUV ID.4, and the SUV-coupe ID.5, plus the vans duo ID. Buzz and ID. Buzz Cargo.

Locally however, Volkswagen Passenger Cars Malaysia (VPCM) and its Audi sister-company PHS Automotive Malaysia (PHSAM) don’t offer any EV models on sale yet.

2 units of VW ID.4 undergoing trial in Malaysia - Launch by VPCM imminent? RM 250k price for 77 kWh variant? 02

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Grey importers have been quick to jump in and plug the gap in product offering. Westar Motors for example, is advertising an ID.3 1st Edition model. The 2020 manufacturing year unit imported from the UK is asking for RM 260,000.

When asked about the introduction of ID series models in Malaysia, VPCM’s official message is that EV models are being considered for Malaysia but the company is not ready to announce anything related to Volkswagen’s ID series (or Audi e-Tron) yet.

2 units of VW ID.4 undergoing trial in Malaysia - Launch by VPCM imminent? RM 250k price for 77 kWh variant? 01

Behind the scenes however, we understand that VPCM has imported 2 units of the ID.4 for local evaluation and training purposes, indicating that the company is seriously working towards a local launch.

Although VPCM didn’t say this, we suspect that the global shortage in semiconductor parts and EV batteries are making it difficult for the company to secure sufficient allocation for Malaysia.

In Europe, sales of battery EV models dropped 8 percent in June 2022, from 233,000 units to 215,000 units, according to data compiled by Jato Dynamics. It’s the segment’s biggest drop in monthly sales since April 2020, when Covid-19 restrictions first hit Europe.

Customer waiting period is now said to be between 12 to 18 months.

2 units of VW ID.4 undergoing trial in Malaysia - Launch by VPCM imminent? RM 250k price for 77 kWh variant? 02

But we think VPCM can also follow the playbook of some of its competitors – hosting online pre-orders and launching a model anyway even when it has only single digit cars to deliver. Because what’s the alternative? To wait indefinitely and hold off all marketing activities?

In the UK, the VW ID.4 is priced about the same as an Arteon. Since import and excise duties are temporarily waived for CBU battery EV models, it is reasonable to expect the ID.4, should it be launched here, to be priced at around RM 200,000 to 250,000, aiming at Hyundai’s Ioniq 5 (RM 200k to RM 260k).

2 units of VW ID.4 undergoing trial in Malaysia - Launch by VPCM imminent? RM 250k price for 77 kWh variant? 03

Given that EVs are mostly purchased by wealthy buyers looking for something of novelty value to show off to their peers, VPCM will most likely skip the entry 52 kWh variant and focus on the higher specifications 77 kWh (522 km) variant.

The 52 kWh variant has a 346 km driving range, and makes between 148 PS and 170 PS, depending on variant.

The higher capacity 77 kWh variant has a 522 km driving range, and makes 204 PS.

Claimed driving range is made under the WLTP test cycle.

2 units of VW ID.4 undergoing trial in Malaysia - Launch by VPCM imminent? RM 250k price for 77 kWh variant? 04

GTX variant shown

There’s also an all-wheel drive GTX 4Motion variant that makes 299 PS but driving range is reduced to 480 km.

The ID.4 is primarily a rear-wheel drive model, with 4Motion variants adding a ‘booster unit’ motor in front.


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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