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2022 Nissan GT-R to get 48V mild hybrid powertrain, 600 PS/652 Nm

Shaun · Mar 26, 2021 12:56 PM

2022 Nissan GT-R to get 48V mild hybrid powertrain, 600 PS/652 Nm 01

It’s been over 13 years since the Nissan GT-R first went into production. So, to say that it is aging may be somewhat of an understatement. However, the Nissan GT-R has had continuous updates over the years and the last hurrah will reportedly be a mild-hybrid.

2022 Nissan GT-R to get 48V mild hybrid powertrain, 600 PS/652 Nm 02

Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign

BestCarWeb reports that the 2022 Nissan GT-R will be electrified in the form of 48V mild-hybrid, with the assistance of an integrated starter generator (ISG). The aim for Nissan is to meet the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.

With electric boost, the 3.8-litre twin-turbocharged V6 engine produces a maximum combined output of 600 PS/652 Nm. As before, power goes to all four wheels via a 6-speed dual-clutch transmission.

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2022 Nissan GT-R to get 48V mild hybrid powertrain, 600 PS/652 Nm 01

But before that arrives, there will reportedly be a limited-run (20 units) Nissan GT-R Final Edition, arriving next year in 2022. The engine is said to be boosted to 720 PS, which is identical to the power output in the Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign. Estimated price is 40 million yen, which is around RM 1.5 million.

2022 Nissan GT-R to get 48V mild hybrid powertrain, 600 PS/652 Nm 02

The Final Edition's engine is said to be based on the GT3 race car.

The mild-hybrid Nissan GT-R on the other hand, has an estimated price of 16 million yen, around RM 600k. It will reportedly go on sale in 2022 and replace the combustion-engine-only versions. The Nissan GT-R is expected to soldier on for another 2 years until 2024 before reaching the end of the line.


Senior Writer

The quest for automotive knowledge began as soon as the earliest memories. Various sources information, even questionable ones, have been explored including video games, television, magazines, or even internet forums. Still stuck in that rabbit hole.

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