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2020 Toyota Corolla Cross gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating - Higher than Proton X50!

CY Foong · Oct 12, 2020 02:04 PM

2020 Toyota Corolla Cross gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating - Higher than Proton X50! 01

Ever since its launch in July, the Toyota Corolla Cross has been making some waves around South East Asia. While we wait for the crossover's imminent arrival here, it has scored a 5-star rating.

2020 Toyota Corolla Cross gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating - Higher than Proton X50! 02

The Corolla Cross's overall score of 88.61 points means that it even scores higher than the Proton X50 which has a score of 84.26 points!

2020 Toyota Corolla Cross gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating - Higher than Proton X50! 03

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The reason for this could be seen in the frontal impact test results. The Corolla Cross offers better protection for the front occupants than the X50 according to the test data.

2020 Toyota Corolla Cross gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating - Higher than Proton X50! 01

It is also worth pointing out that the Thai-spec Corolla Cross tested comes fitted with 7 airbags as standard across all variants. Meanwhile, the X50 only comes with 4 airbags on the base Standard variant while the rest gets 6 airbags.

Built mainly for the ASEAN market in mind, the Corolla Cross is currently sold in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. In Thailand, the model has become quite a big seller, overtaking the likes of the MG ZS and Honda HR-V.

When’s Malaysia’s turn?

2020 Toyota Corolla Cross gets 5-star ASEAN NCAP rating - Higher than Proton X50! 02

Though a couple had been spied in Malaysia, there has been nothing official by UMW Toyota Motor for now. It is said that the Corolla Cross could be locally-assembled in Malaysia and as such, its launch could be either the end of 2020 or early 2021.

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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