
Centre Of Excellence Complex, Km 33.8 Westbound, Shah Alam Expressway


  • 60-380269333
  • yusnizmy@proton.com
  • Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:15 pm
  • Sat - Sun: Closed
Proton Edar COSE is one of the most popular Proton showroom in Subang Jaya, Centre Of Excellence Complex, Km 33.8 Westbound, Shah Alam Expressway. You can visit or get in touch with it to get more details about Proton Car. We've collected other car dealerships, showrooms, car service center informations for you too. Get their opeing hours, phone numbers, reviews and photos to compare, choose the best dealer to contact.
  • Centre Of Excellence Complex Km 33.8., Westbound Shah Alam Expressway

  • Lot 5493 Jalan Ss14/1

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  • Is Proton Edar COSE a good car dealership?

    By checking the car showroom photos, car service reviews and the ratings for the car dealer above this page, we believe that you can make your own judgement.
  • What time dose Proton Edar COSE's car service deparment open?

    We've collected car showroom, car service operating hours already. You can check their phone number and contact them to confirm, just incase they changed the time. If they're closed, try find another dealership from our Car Dealerships database.
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