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2018 Geely Bin Yue G-power 260T
Car Price
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Penisular Malaysia

Engine Capacity (cc)


No Claims Discount

None - 0%

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  • What is the Monthly Payment of Geely Bin Yue?

    Here are the Monthly Payment and variants of Geely Bin Yue:

    Variants2018 Geely Bin Yue G-power 200T2018 Geely Bin Yue G-power 260T
    Monthly Payment00
  • Does Geely Bin Yue has Steering Telescopic?

    No, Geely Bin Yue doesn't have Steering Telescopic.

  • Is Geely Bin Yue available in Driver/Front Passenger Seat Airbags?

    No, Geely Bin Yue isn't available in Driver/Front Passenger Seat Airbags.