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Fortuner-rivalling GWM Tank 300 to make appearance next week at Malaysia Autoshow 2024

CY Foong · May 15, 2024 02:25 PM

Fortuner-rivalling GWM Tank 300 to make appearance next week at Malaysia Autoshow 2024 01

China’s off-road king, the GWM Tank 300 will be previewed to the public at Malaysia Autoshow 2024 at MAEPS Serdang from 22 to 26 May. The Tank 300 was previously unveiled to the media and went on a nationwide tour at selected locations around Malaysia.

The Tank 300 is China’s best-selling off-road SUV, controlling more than 50% of the segment’s market share. Its retro boxy design evokes back to when off-roaders looked macho with a go-anywhere desirability.

Indeed, the Tank 300 seems capable of going off the beaten path with an 8-speed automatic transmission with part-time 4WD equipped with front and rear electric differential locks.

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Fortuner-rivalling GWM Tank 300 to make appearance next week at Malaysia Autoshow 2024 01

The unit displayed in Malaysia had a 2.0-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder petrol unit making 227 PS/387 Nm. In some markets, the Tank 300 is also available with a hybrid powertrain combining a 2.0-litre turbo petrol unit (245 PS/380 Nm) with a 106 PS/268 Nm electric motor.

Also read: Would you buy this over a Toyota Fortuner? GWM confirmed to launch Tank 300 in Malaysia

Chunky and traditional looks aside, the Tank 300 comes with an array of modern features including a 12.3-inch infotainment unit that supports Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, a wireless charging pad, and Tank Turn which allows the SUV to manoeuvre around tight spaces by locking the rear inside wheel.

Besides the Tank 300, GWM Malaysia will also be displaying the Ora Good Cat and Ora 07 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as well as the Haval H6 Hybrid at its Malaysia Autoshow 2024 booth in Hall A of MAEPS Serdang.

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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2023 Tank 300 Upcoming Version


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