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UMW Toyota May 2023 sales jumps by 15 % over previous month, all-new Toyota Vios the most popular model

Dinesh · Jun 12, 2023 01:09 PM

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The figures are promising given that April 2023 numbers dropped heavily by 25.9 percent lower than March 2023, although that drop was expected as carmakers rushed to fulfil outstanding orders before the cut-off date for the sales tax (SST) exemption. Furthermore, the Hari Raya holidays in April 2023 also meant a much shorter working month that in turn limited vehicle registrations.

Also Read: UMW Toyota Motor achieves record-breaking sales in Q1 2023, YTD sales up 12% from 2022

UMW Toyota May 2023 sales jumps by 15 % over previous month, all-new Toyota Vios the most popular model 01

Moving on, the year-to-date sales for May 2023 came in at 39,990 units, a growth of 8 percent from the corresponding period in 2022.

Also Read: Toyota stays ahead of Honda as Malaysia's best-selling non-national brand in 2022 with 100k units

The 3 most popular models and spearheading the charge for Toyota in terms of model sales are the all-new Toyota Vios, Toyota Hilux and Toyota Corolla Cross.



“Better late than never.” Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by it… much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, he’s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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