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Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance

Dinesh · Feb 17, 2022 11:57 AM

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 01

  • 617 hp and 950 Nm of torque
  • like a scaled down Mercedes-AMG EQS
  • AMG Dynamic Plus kit bumps up power to 677 hp and 1,001 Nm

Mercedes-Benz is all charged up for its electric revolution and it isn’t playing it safe with mundane grocery-getters as well. If this was a roulette table in Las Vegas, Stuttgart would be the one shouting “all in” with its AMG performance arm powering its electrification journey. The latest electrified rocketship from them? The AMG EQE.

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 02

Fortunately, they’ve kept it rather easy to know where this egg-shaped sedan slots in. The “E” in its nomenclature means it’ll line up with the traditional petrol-powered AMG version of the E-Class. If you’re ever angry at it, you can call it by its full name; the Mercedes-AMG EQE 53 4Matic+.

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Also Read: Rich Malaysians have to wait: Mercedes-Benz EQS to launch in Indonesia in 2022, after Thailand

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 01

If it looks confusingly similar to the flagship EQS that debuted a while back; well, you’re not wrong. They’ve essentially downsized it to give us the EQE and that’s not quite a bad thing. You’ll find the faux grille and centrally connected taillights carried over.

Also Read: Mercedes-Benz EQS to CKD in India; Malaysia next?

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 02

Inside, it’s again a case of a scaled down interior. You can option out their signature Hyperscreen that makes the entire dash a touchscreen. If that’s overwhelming, the standard dash is still quite impressive with a large infotainment screen in the middle and a digital instrument cluster for the driver.

Also Read: Mercedes-Benz EQS on sale in Germany, priced equal to RM 528k, cheaper than S580e!

Of course, the seats, pedals, steering wheel and carpets are all AMG branded with a sportier feel.

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 03

Now onto the meat and potatoes; the power. Being an AMG, it can’t just be quick
 it has to be terrifyingly bonkers. Two AMG-specific permanently excited synchronous drive motors on each axle makes the EQE an all-wheel drive monster with 617 hp and 950 Nm of torque.

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 04

If you were dropped on your head as a child and find those numbers to be lacking, the guys at AMG aren’t quite right in the head too. You can option their AMG Dynamic Plus package for 677 hp and 1,001 Nm of torque. The twin motors are fed by a 328-volt lithium-ion battery that delivers 90.6 kWh.

Also Read: Mercedes-Benz Malaysia explains why we can’t have the EQC yet

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 05

All that makes for scant 0-100kph time of 3.4-seconds and a top speed of 220 kph. The AMG Dynamic package brings the sprint down to 3.2-seconds and the Vmax up to 240 kph.

There are five drive modes to try and keep you out of trouble by limiting the power output available:

Mercedes-AMG EQE driving mode
Slippery 50 percent (308.5 hp)
Comfort 80 percent (494 hp)
Sport 90 percent (555 hp)
Sport+ 100 percent (617 hp)
Race 100 percent (617 hp)

If you opted for the AMG Dynamic Plus kit, there’s a sixth mode called Race Start with Boost Function for the full beans.

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 06

The AMG EQS and the AMG 4-Door shared most of their suspension setup with the AMG EQE. That translates into a four-link front and multi-link rear. Air suspension is standard with revised links and anti-roll bars for better dynamics.

Meet the Mercedes-AMG EQE, egg-shaped and ready to leave your mouth agape with ludicrous performance 07

Rear-wheel steering is standard with a maximum turning radius of 3.6 degrees in either direction. Below 60 kph, the rear wheels will steer in the opposite direction as the fronts for a virtual shorter wheelbase and above 60 kph they’ll turn in the same direction as the fronts for improved high-speed stability.

Mercedes-Benz hasn’t specified a range but a good guess would be around the 480 km mark.



“Better late than never.” Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by it
 much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, he’s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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2023 Mercedes-Benz EQE 350+


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