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All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue

Jason · Jun 4, 2020 10:27 AM

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 01

Fancy the all-new 2021 G22 BMW 4 Series with a bit more M? There will be a catalogue of M Performance Parts for the all-new 4 Series. The package consists mostly of visual & aesthetic enhancements, with carbon fibre featuring prominently.

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 02

Starting with the front bumper, you can see carbon fibre bits in the front lip, air curtains and also the canards on the side. The M Performance treatment is rounded off at the front by blacking out the iconic kidney grill - which is now a one-piece item – with carbon fibre on the edges.

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All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 01

Moving to the side, the side skirts are also given the carbon fibre treatment, paired with M Performance decals on the doors.

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 02

Things get even more interesting at the rear end. A carbon fibre spoiler on the bootlid brings subtle aggression. Moving to the bottom, the lower end of the rear bumper is also blacked out, and finished off with a carbon fibre diffuser.

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 03

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 04

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 05

The M Performance pack also features darkened taillights, exhaust pipes and badging, to complete the visual upgrade.

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 06

On to actual performance enhancements, customers can upgrade their brakes and wheels as part of the M Performance pack. The M Performance brake calipers are finished in red, while the wheels are 20-inch, lightweight alloy wheels.

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 07

All-New 2021 BMW 4 Series (G22): Here's the M Performance parts catalogue 08

As for the interior, upgrades start with the part Alcantara, part leather steering wheel, complete with a “red 12 o’clock” marker. Carbon fibre trim is featured prominently in the steering’s spokes and paddle shifters. In addition to that, the carbon fibre trim extends to the dashboard and center console.


Road Test Editor

Jason's foremost passion is all things automotive, where he spent his formative working years as a Product Planner and Trainer. An Advanced Driving Instructor by training and an all-round enthusiast, Jason loves going into intricate details about driving dynamics. Will drive anything with 4 wheels and a steering.

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