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There is nothing more personal than BMW ConnectedDrive

Eric Β· Oct 25, 2019 04:12 PM

2019 BMW 530e infotainment system

While it’s cool you can tell a car to lower the air-conditioning temperature, but have you tried ordering chicken rice using your BMW?

Yes, with the BMW Concierge Service, you can in fact order chicken rice (or in this case, navigate to a chicken rice shop) from the comfort of your car with just the press of a button.

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2019 BMW 530e infotainment system

BMW Concierge Service is just one of many services that BMW offers under its ConnectedDrive umbrella.

But that’s not all.

With the BMW Connected app (available for Apple and Android devices), there’s a lot more that can be done with a BMW.

2019 BMW 530e Connected app screenshot

Upon setting up the BMW Connected app on your phone, you can lock and unlock your vehicle, locate your vehicle, and even set the climate control. Furthermore, if your BMW is equipped with a 360-degree monitor, you can utilize the Remote 3D View function to view the surroundings of your car.

The BMW Connected app also allows owners to send Google Map destinations to the car, simplifying the route planning process.

2019 BMW 530e Connected App

In the event of an accident, the Intelligent Emergency Call is able to contact specially-trained call centre agents to support the driver (and passengers) until emergency services arrive.

2019 BMW 530e Connected app

Thanks to an embedded SIM (eSIM) card found in selected BMW models, owners now have an internet connection in the cars, which allows them to receive up-to-date navigation details with realtime updates, news, and weather updates. The inclusion of the eSIM puts BMW ahead of Mercedes-Benz, as Mercedes-Benz does not include one in their cars. 

2019 BMW 530e Connected app

BMW ConnectedDrive is not complete without its key element - the iDrive system, which incoporates the signature rotary control dial, screen, and touchpad. 

When it comes to downsides, we can only think of one - the lack of Android Auto. BMW ConnectedDrive only support Apple CarPlay, so Android users are left out. 

Other than that, the BMW ConnectedDrive makes for a rather comprehensive system, covering practically every aspect of the driver's needs, even before he steps into the car and after he steps out of the car. 

Like any other services, users have to pay for a subscription in order to continue using it. Below are the prices:

Item Price for 12 months (RM)
BMW Connected Package 299 
BMW Connected+  25 
Concierge Service 399
BMW Online 159 
BMW Remote Services 179 

BMW ConnectedDrive is available on all BMW models, ranging from the spritely 1 Series all the way up to the uber luxurious X7.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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