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Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios

Liang · Feb 7, 2023 02:29 PM

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 01

Basic information about my car:

2017 Toyota vios

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 02

window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot('/22557728108/my_article_fourthp_under_pc', [ 728, 90 ], 'div-gpt-ad-1685525140735-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); googletag.enableServices(); });
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Reasons why I bought this car:

 As a weekend toy

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 01

Car selection process

•  I had a budget of:  50k⁻

•  Models that I have considered include:

  Just this car

•   Reasons why I chose this car:

   Because of the racing history and the car suit my requirements as a weekend toy

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 02

User experience:

•   I have already done | No idea km.

My average fuel consumption is No idea

•   Since the purchase, my thoughts about the car are 

  It's a nice car, but gutless in the engine department but the good handling makes up for it. Not good over speed bumps... good exhaust system to let the neighbour know that your are coming home or going to work. Nice driver seats, steering wheel and seat harness.

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 03

Pros of my car:

It looks good( if I take out my glasses and squint my eyes the car look like a civic type r). Cold air con. With only 2 seats in the car it is a win... amd rollcage for that extra safety

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 04

Cons of my car:

No radio

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 05


Total Score: 5

Performance: 3

Quality & Features: 5

Space: 5

Ride Comfort: 5

Fuel Economy: 5

Price & Cost: 5

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 06


Oh! What a feeling!

Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 07

Interesting event(s)

Got thumbs up from randoms if that counts.

When looking for a used Toyota vios, ensure the vehicle is well-presented and has a comprehensive service history, alternatively check out these immaculate examples of the Toyota vios on Carsome, which are offered with lucrative cash discounts and free tinting packages for a limited time.


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Owner review:The Vios Challenge weekend car, My 2017 Toyota Vios 08

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