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Honda Civic Type R FL5 sold out in Australia for 2 years - Too overwhelmingly popular?

CY Foong · Mar 31, 2023 05:15 PM

Honda Civic Type R FL5 sold out in Australia for 2 years - Too overwhelmingly popular? 01

The Honda Civic Type R represents the ultimate hot hatch, especially these days when everything is electrified and automated. The FL5 Civic Type R is the latest iteration of the 25-year-old hot hatch name and it also has a long waiting list.

Honda Civic Type R FL5 sold out in Australia for 2 years - Too overwhelmingly popular? 02

How long? Well, it’s reported that the waiting list for the FL5 in Australia stretches to 24 months as of March 2023. This was up from 18 months back in January and Honda Australia currently holds more than 1,000 orders for the hot hatch.

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Honda Civic Type R FL5 sold out in Australia for 2 years - Too overwhelmingly popular? 01

The hype for the FL5 Civic Type R isn’t just seen Down Under, it’s global. A Honda Australia spokesperson told Australian media that there is a huge level of interest in the Type R in Europe, the USA, and Japan which meant that allocations will be limited for the foreseeable future.

Thus, Honda Japan issued a stop-sale on the Civic Type R to dealers around the Land of the Rising Sun in mid-January which has yet to be lifted to date.

Also read: There's now a 4-year waiting period for FL5 Honda Civic Type R in Japan, orders paused

Honda Civic Type R FL5 sold out in Australia for 2 years - Too overwhelmingly popular? 02

When Honda Australia first opened bookings for the all-new Civic Type R, there were around 4,000 expressions of interest. Though the numbers are not official, some Honda dealers in Australia speculated that only 600 units are allocated for the first year of the FL5’s sales in the country.

Also read: Honda Civic Type R (FL5) sold out in Australia in 24 hours, next order to be taken in 2024

Honda Civic Type R FL5 sold out in Australia for 2 years - Too overwhelmingly popular? 03

The FL5 Type R as shown at the 2023 Bangkok International Motor Show

The Civic Type R has already been launched in Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. Honda Malaysia will likely be launching the FL5 within this year but units will certainly be very limited and likely to be sold out the moment its arrival is announced.

Also read: Here's our closest look at the Honda Civic Type R FL5 that's Malaysia-bound this year

Honda Civic Type R FL5 sold out in Australia for 2 years - Too overwhelmingly popular? 04

Not only will the Civic Type R be extremely difficult to attain, but it will also be expensive and you can expect to pay at least RM 350,000 when it gets launched in Malaysia.

Also read: Expect RM 350k price for Malaysia - FL5 2022 Honda Civic Type R to be at least 5% more expensive, 6 months waiting list in Japan

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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