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Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum

Dinesh · Jan 3, 2023 11:46 AM

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 01

If Honda races through your blood and you’re a disciple of the temple of VTEC, it’s about time to make the annual pilgrimage to Seremban and pay your respects at a dealer’s showroom there that’s been transformed into a momentary Type-R tribute.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 02

You’ve probably have heard of the dealer, Ban Lee Heng Motor, as this isn’t the first time they’ve turned their Honda dealership into a Type-R museum. Seremban’s sole Honda dealership reason behind the move is the very same reason as they did during the same period last year; they’re simply sold out of any stocks, including display models.

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Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 01

They’ve got almost all the iconic Type-R models, including the one that started it all; the Civic Type-R EK9, as well as a Civic Type-R FK8 and Integra Type-R DC5.

Also Read: Out of new Hondas to sell, this Seremban dealer is turned into a Type R museum!

The last time they did this, they also had a Civic FD2R but this time around it looks to be still hibernating.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 02

Joining the Type-R models are two equally iconic Honda performance models, a mint NSX NA1 and a S2000 roadster.

Also Read: Seremban’s Ban Lee Heng Motor – A tale of Honda’s DNA across 3 generations

From what we understand, the cars are almost bone stock with no mods and belong to a private collector that’s kind enough to share them with the public.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 03

Under the same circumstances again this year, sales have been buoyed by the SST exemption that even the display units have been sold. So, why not pay tribute to the brand’s best and fastest models.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 04

While most of us are slowly returning to the daily grind of work or school after a long break, those of us with time can take a drive down to Seremban to check out the collection.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 05

Furthermore, Ban Lee Heng Motor itself isn’t your average Honda dealer. They’re quick to adapt and relish taking on the challenges of a constantly evolving car sales market, such as starting their own YouTube channel to increase engagement.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 06

Unsurprisingly, the dealership has been running for 3 generations. Nonetheless, it wasn’t always a car dealership. The business started as a humble bicycle shop before growing into a motorcycle dealer and adding 2 more wheels to sell cars.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 07

Hondas are a core part of the family and under the 3rd generation of ownership, you can be rest assured that the famous quote by the family on their blood type remains true, “blood type-H.”

Ban Lee Heng Motor is definitely in the right hands.

Honda dealer in Seremban has sold out of everything and transforms into a temporary Type-R museum 08




“Better late than never.” Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by it… much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, he’s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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