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Honda to debut all-new Honda Jazz at Tokyo Motor Show

Eric · Sep 26, 2019 05:52 PM

2020 Honda Jazz teaser

Honda will debut the all-new fourth-generation Honda Jazz at the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show, alongside the tenth-generation Honda Accord and the electric-powered Honda e.

While Honda has not released much information about the all-new Honda Jazz, its European arm has confirmed that the all-new model will be offered only as a hybrid model when it goes on sale in 2020.

2019 Honda Jazz front

Current-generation Honda Jazz

Tom Gardner, Senior Vice-President of Honda Motor Europe said, “In 2020, Honda will launch the next generation Honda Jazz and today, we can confirm that this model will be introduced into Europe with hybrid technology as the sole powertrain option.”

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The hybrid-only line-up for the new generation Honda Jazz is in-line with Honda’s commitment to electrify all of its European models by 2025.

Similarly, we expect the Honda Jazz to be offered as a hybrid-only when it goes on sale in Japan, but markets like North America and the rest of Asia are expected to be offered with regular internal combustion engine variants, as well as the hybrid.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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