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In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine

Hans · Sep 26, 2019 10:28 AM

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 01

First launched in 2011, the current generation Isuzu D-Max is the oldest pick-up truck in the segment. To keep it current, Isuzu Malaysia has given the D-Max yet another mid-life update. For 2019, the new Isuzu D-Max now comes with a smaller capacity (but more powerful) 1.9L BluePower Ddi 150 PS engine.

From the outside, the car looks exactly the same as before apart from BluePower Ddi decals but the interior gets a new dashboard, which now comes with soft touch padding.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 02

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More importantly, the new D-Max 2019 is a few thousand Ringgit cheaper thanks to EEV tax incentives.

Except for the Thailand-made Double-Cab 4x2 MT Low-Ride and 4x2 AT Hi-Ride variants, all D-Max 2019models including the 3.0-litre variants are now assembled at the DRB-Hicom plant in Pekan.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 01

How much is Isuzu D-Max 2019?

There’s a shocking total of 11 variants to choose from, with prices ranging from RM 85,799 to RM 120,838, available in single- or double-cab, and two engine options – 1.9-litre and 3.0-litre.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 02

Of the two engines, only the 1.9-litre is new but both engines now carry the BluePower label.

  • 1.9L Single Cab 4x4 MT: RM 85,799
  • 3.0L Single Cab 4x4 MT: RM 92,838
  • 1.9L Double Cab 4x2 MT Low Ride: RM 80,149
  • 1.9L Double Cab 4x2 MT Hi Ride: RM 86,699
  • 1.9L Double Cab 4x4 MT Type B: RM 96,699
  • 1.9L Double Cab 4x2 AT Hi Ride: RM 100,049
  • 1.9L Double Cab 4x4 AT Type B: RM 104,599
  • 1.9L Double Cab 4x4 MT-P: RM 105,999
  • 3.0L Double Cab 4x4 MT Type B: RM 106,738
  • 1.9L Double Cab 4x4 AT-P: RM 115,799
  • 3.0L Double Cab 4x4 AT-P: RM 120,838

To keep things simple, unless you stay in Sabah/Sarawak where road tax rates are lower, the newer and more fuel efficient 1.9-litre BluePower Ddi turbo diesel is a better choice.

The larger 3.0-litre unit is taxed a lot higher but offers just 27 PS more power and 30 Nm more torque, and burns far more fuel.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 03

To help you make sense of the bewildering 11 variants to choose from, here’s our recommended choice for the Isuzu D-Max range:

If you are a business owner looking for a workhorse, go for the single-cab 4x4 MT variant. It’s the cheapest single-cab truck to buy. It’s very fuel efficient and reliable, which also means low running cost.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 04

If the only off-roading you do is driving into fruit orchards, there’s little need for 4x4 and a lower ride height 4x2 Low Ride variant offers easier loading and unloading of cargo.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 05

Private owners looking to get into the pick-up truck lifestyle can go for the highest specifications AT-P variant, which offers higher levels of comfort and convenience functions.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 06

However the D-Max 2019 is generally biased towards workhorse use, so even the highest specifications model is at best, comparable only to a mid-range Hilux or Triton.

If you are looking at a pick-up truck to replace your sedan, it’s best to look elsewhere.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 07

Pros and cons

Where it lacks in terms of sophistication or packing the latest electronic driving aids, the Isuzu D-Max 2019 counters by offering robust mechanicals, even if it falls short in power output.

Power is important but to people whose livelihood depends on a truck, the ability to get in and out of tough terrain matters far more than how fast their truck is able to scale a mountain pass.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 08

There’s a good reason why in East Malaysia, where pick-up trucks dominate, drivers belong to only either one of the two camps – the Toyota Hilux camp or the Isuzu D-Max 2019 camp – neither have the most powerful engines.

Isuzu engines are also the most fuel efficient. Coupled by the 1.9-litre engine’s significantly cheaper road tax and easy availability of parts, the Isuzu D-Max 2019 is a lot cheaper to run than any of its peers.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 09

The downside to the Isuzu D-Max 2019 is its utilitarian image. However this is not an issue for business owners or even for off-road hobbyists looking for a durable truck.

Because of its workhorse-biased image, it’s hard to find Isuzu dealers within the city and when you do send your Isuzu in for maintenance, you are basically driving into a lorry service centre, as Isuzu Malaysia’s core business is selling heavy duty lorries.

So don’t expect lounge-type customer waiting areas or plentiful amenities.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 10

If you are an urbanite who is keen on the pick-up truck lifestyle, you are better served by the higher specifications (but also more expensive) Mitsubishi Triton Adventure X, which is the safest and most comfortable truck in its class. 

In short, buy the Isuzu  D-Max 2019 if you are going to use a truck the way trucks are meant to be used. But if you are going to drive a truck like how you drive a sedan, look elsewhere.

What are the alternatives of Isuzu 2019?

As mentioned earlier, even the highest specification D-Max AT-P variant can only match up to a mid-range 2.4-litre Hilux and the Mitsubishi Triton A/T Premium.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 11

The Toyota Hilux 2.4 L-Edition comes equipped with seven airbags and has a novel A-TRC feature that works almost like an electronic differential lock. It works by selectively applying brakes to individual wheels that are spinning to divert torque to wheels that have grip. However, the Hilux also costs a lot more.

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 12

The Mitsubishi Triton comes with an aluminum-block engine, which is the quietest and also the most powerful in its class. The quiet engine and comfortable ride, plus roof-mounted rear air-conditioning vents makes it the most comfortable.

The class-leading power output and low kerb weight also means that the Triton packs a stronger punch than any of its peers bar the significantly more expensive Ford Ranger Raptor.

The Mitsubishi Triton also offers the longest warranty period (5-year/200,000 km).

In Brief: New Isuzu D-Max 2019, now with 1.9L BluePower Ddi engine 13


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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