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Tight supply of Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan solved, switched CBU Mexico to Germany

Hans · Sep 25, 2019 05:34 PM

Tight supply of Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan solved, switched CBU Mexico to Germany 01

At yesterday’s launch of the Mercedes-Benz A35 Sedan, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia have confirmed that deliveries of the model, along with its lesser Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan models; the A200 Sedan and A250 Sedan, will commence shortly.

This was confirmed by Mercedes-Benz Malaysia’s Vice-President for Sales and Marketing Michael Jopp.

Tight supply of Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan solved, switched CBU Mexico to Germany 02

Left: Vice-President Michael Jopp, Right: President and CEO Dr. Claus Weidner

To recap, both the A200 Sedan and A250 Sedan were launched in April 2019. Despite the early launch, there’s not a single A-Class Sedan on Malaysian roads yet simply because none were delivered by the Daimler-Nissan jointly owned COMPAS (Cooperation Manufacturing Plant Aguascalientes) plant in Aguascalientes, Mexico.

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According to sources at Daimler, supply from the Mexico plant was tight due to a lack of capacity at the plant and no cars could be delivered to Malaysia. The supply constraint was only elevated when alternative arrangements were made to import the A-Class Sedan from Germany’s Rastatt plant.

The arrangement is only temporary and it doesn’t mean that the Rastatt plant will be sole source of A-Class Sedan models in Malaysia. Depending on the supply-demand situation at the respective plants, either one of the two plants could supply the cars to Malaysia.

Tight supply of Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan solved, switched CBU Mexico to Germany 01

A multi-sourcing arrangement is fairly normal for Mercedes-Benz Malaysia. Recall that the A-Class is also sourced either from the Hungarian plant in Kecskemet or the German plant in Rastatt.

However for the A35 Sedan, the Rastatt plant will be sole source.

By the time you read this, deliveries of A-Class Sedan models to dealerships would have already commenced.

The A-Class Sedan range now consists of:

  • A200 Sedan (1.3-litre turbocharged, 163 hp/250 Nm): RM 229,888
  • A250 Sedan AMG Line (2.0-litre turbocharged, 224 hp/350 Nm): RM 267,888
  • AMG A35 Sedan (2.0-litre turbocharged, 306 hp/400 Nm): RM 348,888


Head of Content

Over 15 years of experience in automotive, from product planning, to market research, to print and digital media. Garages a 6-cylinder manual RWD but buses to work.

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2023 Mercedes-Benz A-Class Sedan A200 Progressive Line


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