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MYPerodua Nation postponed until further notice due to haze

Eric · Sep 19, 2019 10:27 AM

MyPerodua Nation logo

As a People First organisation, Perodua has decided to postpone the MYPerodua Nation carnival until further notice, in light of the worsening haze situation nationwide.

The carnival was supposed to take place this weekend, from 20-22 September at the Setia City Oval Lawn in Setia Alam.

“The Air Pollutant Index (API) in the vicinity has been reported to be in excess of 200, which is very unhealthy. Perodua cannot, and will not, put the health and well-being of its valued customers, visitors and staff on duty at risk,” said Perodua President and Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Zainal Abidin Ahmad.

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“We apologise whole-heartedly for the inconvenience and disappointment caused by the postponement of MYPerodua Nation. We are studying all possible alternatives and will revert on the event’s status in due course,” he added.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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