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Malaysia-assembled Peugeot cars return to Thailand under new distributor

Robert ยท Jul 29, 2019 04:12 PM

Malaysia-assembled Peugeot cars return to Thailand under new distributor 01

After a short hiatus, Malaysia-assembled Peugeot cars will return to Thailand. Belfort Automobiles (Thailand), a subsidiary of the Master Group Corporation (Asia) Co., Ltd., is the new exclusive importer and distributor of Peugeot brand cars in Thailand. The company will take over from previous distributor Yontrakit Automobiles.

The first two Peugeot models spearheading the French marque’s re-launch in Thailand are the 5008 and 3008 – both exported from the Naza Automotive Manufacturing plant in Gurun, Kedah.

Since 2018, the NAM plant is now co-owned by Groupe PSA and Naza Corporation. The former will use the facility as its manufacturing hub for the ASEAN region.

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This follows a recent announcement by Groupe PSA that Malaysia-assembled 5008 will be exported to the left-hand drive Philippines market. The right-hand drive Thailand market will be second export destination for the reorganized NAM plant.

The signing ceremony to appointment of Belfort Automobiles (Thailand) took place at the French Embassy in Bangkok and was witnessed by H.E. Mr. Jacques Lapouge, the Ambassador of France to Thailand.

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