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In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please

Eric · Nov 13, 2019 03:57 PM

In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please 01

(Model | Gallery)

The Nissan Almera 2019 is a cheaper alternative to the Honda City and Toyota Vios.

It was first introduced in 2012, before receiving a minor nip and tuck in 2015. The updated in 2015 brought along new looks and some cabin improvements.

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In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please 01

What remain unchanged is the powertrain – the Nissan Almera 2019 gets a 1.5-litre four-cylinder petrol engine that does 102 PS and 139 Nm, sent to the front wheels via a 4-speed automatic.

In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please 02

Nissan offers two variants of the Nissan Almera 2019 – the 1.5 E and 1.5 VL. The 1.5 E variant is priced from RM 69,888, while the 1.5 VL is RM 10,000 more, coming in at RM 79,888.

In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please 03

Yes, we are aware that the Almera’s pricing is well into the Toyota Vios and Honda City territory, but a quick check on several listings online indicates that dealers are offering discounts as much as RM 16,000.

The Nissan Almera 2019 is undeniably the oldest in the segment – it has remained largely unchanged since 2012, while rivals have improved leaps and bounds.

In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please 04

It still comes with a dated 4-speed automatic – rivals such as the Honda City and Toyota Vios offer a smoother and more efficient CVT-type automatic.

Then there’s the safety aspect of the Almera. Unlike the City’s 6 airbags or the Vios’ 7 airbags, the Almera only makes do with 2 airbags on the VL variant. The E variant is worse off, as it only gets a driver-side airbag.

In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please 05

Even the cheaper Proton Persona 1.6 Premium and Perodua MyviPerodua Myvi 1.5 variants get 6 airbags.

Continuing on the safety aspect of the Almera, stability control and traction control aren’t available. It was different back then.

In Brief: Nissan Almera 2019, wait for the all-new model, please 06

Redeeming the Almera are its above average rear legroom. Its 490 litres of boot space may not challenge the City and Vios, but the figure is better than the Mazda 2 Sedan’s 440 litres.

Furthermore, although Nissan’s after-sales service is satisfactory, the Almera’s build quality is average at best.



Started from the IT industry but somehow managed to find his way into the automotive industry. If he’s not gaming, he’s constantly tinkering with his daily/weekend car.

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