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Honda Sensing is different from other ADAS because of this feature

Adrian Chia · Sep 13, 2019 12:56 PM

Honda Sensing is different from other ADAS because of this feature 01

  • The only system in the class to offer Low-Speed Follow function
  • Automatically follows the flow of traffic
  • Zero pedal operation in traffic jams

Taste in cars changes dramatically with times especially if a market disruptor shows up. In recent years, customers have come to expect Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to be featured on cars above RM 120k price point.

Previously a feature reserved for cars in upper segment and price point, ADAS is now being offered as an option on a wider range of vehicles.

Honda Sensing is different from other ADAS because of this feature 02

In the local C-Segment sedan scene, Mazda started this product offensive with their all-new Mazda 3 High Plus which comes with the full suite of i-ActivSense safety technology. Honda was quick to react with the announcement that the Honda Civic facelift will come with Honda Sensing technology. Even the upcoming all-new Toyota Corolla Altis will be equipped with Toyota Safety Sense technology.

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While every brand has its own fancy name for their ADAS, the end goal is the same – to reduce the risk of a collision and minimise driver fatigue.

Honda Sensing is different from other ADAS because of this feature 01

However, Honda Sensing has one key feature that separates itself from its Japanese rivals and that is Low-Speed Follow. It works in tandem with the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) feature with the added convenience to come to a complete stop and accelerate again, completely on its own.

Low-Speed Follow is especially helpful in stop and go traffic. When the system is activated, the car requires near-zero pedal input from the driver, allowing them to focus solely on steering. Even when there is another car merging into the lane, the radar and camera will be able to detect the merging traffic and automatically applies the brakes.

Outside the luxury segment, Honda is the only brand to offer such level of ADAS technology. The next closest car to offer this is Volvo models equipped with Pilot Assist. 

Having said that, Low-Speed Follow is not supported on all models with Honda Sensing as models without Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) like the Accord and Odyssey does not have the electronics to allow Low-Speed Follow.

The CR-V is the only model in Honda Malaysia’s current line up to offer Honda Sensing with Low-Speed Follow. The upcoming Civic facelift is also expected to come with this feature.

Adrian Chia


Psychology graduate with over 4 years in the automotive industry, 3 in front of the camera. Occasionally seen at his family owned tyre shop. Will only buy cars that passes the big bottle test.

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