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Isuzu sold a whole lot of the D-Max here in March 2022; an all-time sales record for the company

Dinesh · Apr 13, 2022 04:53 PM

Isuzu sold a whole lot of the D-Max here in March 2022; an all-time sales record for the company 01

By now, we know the all-new third-generation Isuzu D-Max packs quite a punch in its segment. Just how hard of a hit you might ask? Well, it recorded a national sales record in March 2022, making it the company’s best-ever sales month since its inception in 2005.

Isuzu Malaysia stated a figure of 1,233 registrations; a monumental leap ahead over its previous record of 885 units that followed the arrival of the previous generation’s 3.0-litre V-Cross variant back in December 2014.

Also Read: All-new 2021 Isuzu D-Max in Malaysia - priced from RM 89k, new 3.0L engine, ADAS!

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The company believes the record month stems from ramping up deliveries from the factory to address the backlog of orders; as explained by the Chief Operating Officer.

Isuzu sold a whole lot of the D-Max here in March 2022; an all-time sales record for the company 01

“As a customer-centric brand where our owners depend on Isuzu vehicles to serve them faithfully, our priority was to hasten supply to meet the increased demand for this highly-popular and versatile pick-up truck. I wish to thank our customers who have eagerly and patiently waited for their brand new Isuzu D-Max. We hope to continue ramping up supplies over the coming months to further reduce the waitlist for our vehicles,” explained COO of Isuzu Malaysia, Kenkichi Sogo.

Also Read: Pros and Cons: 2021 Isuzu D-Max - Very premium, but still not perfect

The increased supply that was achieved through additional allocation from the factory meant that the top variant delivered in March was of the 1.9 Premium Auto, accounting for close to 350 units. The 1.9 Premium Auto is proving to be a popular choice among local customers by virtue of its lowest road-tax in its segment coupled with a stylish design, excellent driving performance and premium interior features.

Also Read: WapCar COTY 2021: Isuzu D-Max – Our favourite Pick-up of the Year

Demand for the popular flagship X-Terrain variant was also met with an increase of 163 deliveries. This variant that boasts highly advanced safety and comfort features has proven to be an ideal choice for users who want a pick-up truck that can also double up as a daily driver or family mover.

Isuzu sold a whole lot of the D-Max here in March 2022; an all-time sales record for the company 02

Isuzu Malaysia’s incoming Chief Executive Officer, Shunsuke Okazoe, underlined the need to prioritize customer satisfaction through improved sales and after-sales efforts.

Also Read: The all-new 2021 Isuzu D-Max is so popular, they've decided to launch it again

“While Isuzu Malaysia is still a relatively young company, our customer base has grown significantly in the past 17 years. Isuzu’s strong brand reputation, dependable product line-up and a strong support network has helped us create a very strong platform for growth. Our immediate aim therefore will be to enhance our support system in tandem with the growing population of Isuzu customers,” said Okazoe.

Isuzu Malaysia conducts its retail operations through authorized dealerships around the country with 54 outlets positioned strategically. Isuzu Malaysia will soon embark on a network enhancement exercise to ensure customers enjoy a more comprehensive experience in a conducive and comfortable environment.



“Better late than never.” Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by it… much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, he’s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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