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1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club

CY Foong · Mar 17, 2022 07:00 PM

1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club 01

Remember the pristine 1989 Proton Saga 1.5 GL Black Knight Edition that took first place at the 2021 Hagerty Festival of the Unexceptional? Well, it’s back on a pedestal but instead of the fields of Lincolnshire, it stands proudly in the prestigious Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall, London.

1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club 02

Yes, the humble Proton Saga that mobilised Malaysians for more than 35 years is now being represented at the entrance of one of the most exclusive automobile clubs in the UK. Hot off the trails of being crowned the winner of the Concours de l’Ordinaire, this special edition Saga, the only one in the world is placed at the Rotunda for 2 weeks.

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1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club 01

Members entering the building will see a quintessentially Malaysian sight for the next couple of weeks

According to the Royal Automobile Club’s website, among the cars that have graced the hallowed entrance include an Aston Martin Vantage Volante, a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster, a Ferrari Dino, and a 2019 Mercedes-AMG Formula One car.

1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club 02

Coupland's pair of Sagas

The Saga might seem like a normal car in Malaysia but in the UK, it has been gaining some traction among an eccentric group of fans on Twitter who call themselves #weirdcartwitter. This special Saga is owned by Jon Coupland who also has two other Sagas (an Iswara and a Saga SE LE) as well as a Perodua Kelisa in his 14-car garage.

Also read: Perodua Kancil vs Proton Saga – Which is the original Malaysian people’s car?

1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club 03

The Saga, which was never even called the Proton Saga in the UK, but simply as Proton, was one of the many special edition models that were sold exclusively for the UK market. A total of 201 Black Knight models were made with Coupland’s one being the 63rd unit.

Also read: Sunroof on a Saga? Take a look at these UK-spec Proton Saga brochures from 30 years ago!

1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club 04

The Proton is a diamond in a sea of regular carbon

Still, it’s amazing how Coupland has kept his extraordinary Saga so pristine. His other cars in his collection also look brand-new and seem destined to be winners in future Festival of the Unexceptional (FOTU) events.

Also read: Immaculate 1989 Proton Saga Black Knight Edition wins classic car award!

1989 Proton Saga Black Knight takes centre stage at London’s Royal Automobile Club 05

Coupland's Kelisa, a future FOTU winner?

Maybe he should bring out the Kelisa once entries for models from the 2000s are opened.

Also read: Up to RM 19k for a used Perodua Kelisa, overpriced or untapped potential?

CY Foong


Traded advertising for a career that fits his passion for cars. Enjoys spotting cars during his free time and has a soft spot for Japanese Kei cars but drives a thirsty manual sedan.

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