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Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style

Dinesh Β· Mar 3, 2022 06:22 PM

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 01

Years ago, Mercedes-Benz swaggered up to the compact sedan table at the casino and indicated to the croupier that they’re all in on the next hand. That move paid off big. Some would just chalk it down to a gamble gone right but those in the know never doubted that the people in Stuttgart were doing the automotive equivalent of counting cards and the Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line proved to be an ace up their sleeves.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 02

Playing the lifestyle card in a highly competitive hand is a sure-fire way to win big. A key demographic of the premium, compact vehicle consumer is the younger generation, and they value two key aspects; style and technology in a handsomely compact package.

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Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 01

Younger motorists have demonstrated a strong inclination towards products that synthesise design and technology. It’s been proven in a multitude of lifestyle-oriented products and the trend carries into vehicles as well. In that sense, the A250 AMG Line unequivocally positions itself atop the food chain of premium compact sedans.

Also Read: Review: Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line sedan - is it RM 48k better than the 218i GC?

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 02

From a style point of view, the new design language satisfies plenty of palates without overwhelming the senses. The designers at Stuttgart have found that delicate balance between sophistication and class without crossing over into being ostentatious.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 03

That traditional three-box sedan shape takes a modern twist and is best consumed visually from the side as its classic sports sedan proportions are evident. Long nose, short tail and clearly a product of Stuttgart. Occasionally, simple is best and the A250 AMG Line stands out against its peers that project much busier exteriors which tend to overwhelm the senses.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 04

Being a lifestyle product, to a certain degree you’ll want to be recognised as arriving in a Mercedes-Benz. After all, nobody really buys an overpriced iPhone because its lightyears better than an Android; you do it because people take note that you’re a consumer with discerning taste.

Also Read: Ratings: Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line sedan - Performs as good as it looks

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 05

In that sense, the timeless silhouette of the A250 AMG Line is distinctively resemblant of the flagship S-Class; lending to its baby Benz moniker.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 06

Nonetheless, the real meat and potatoes of any fine vehicle rests firmly in how you feel inside. People see the exterior as you waft by but only you truly experience being enveloped in that technologically laden cabin.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 07

A house with a nice façade may impress others but only you will be living with that interior.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 08

The cabin is what carries the A250 AMG Line. The one-piece dual screen display set the tone for the future of automotive cabins and is tastefully incorporated in the dash. Among the sea of concept-esque features, the screens are crisp and sharp with a touch function for the infotainment side of things.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 09

There’s no better control centre for the MBUX (Mercedes Benz User Experience). If you haven’t heard the “Hi Mercedes” catchphrase, we’re here to tell you that Joe Biden is now the president of the US.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 10

Now that you’ve come out from under that rock, “Hi Mercedes” is one of the most intuitive voice control functions on the market. Additionally, playing into the younger, tech-driven consumer desires, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay are standard.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 11

When not interacting with your A250 AMG Line, you’ll be cossetted in a sea of Artico leather and Dinamica suede; an equitable combination of luxury and sportiness expected of the tri-star emblem in cohesion with that AMG nomenclature by its side.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 12

It’s impossible to mention the interior of any modern Mercedes-Benz without those backlit turbine-inspired air-conditioning vents. Seeing them light up conveys a true sense of occasion.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 13

It might seem overkill but transforming something as mundane as air-conditioning vents into works of art is what sets apart those that go the extra mile.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 14

Rounding off the interior is the AMG steering wheel that’s perfect to the grip for those moments’ Sports mode is engaged.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 15

Speaking of Sports mode, the athleticism is exemplified by the M260 engine with 224 PS and 350 Nm of torque; all class-leading figures. The mill is punchy and eager with no lag in performance and the seven-speed dual clutch transmission effortlessly keeps up with the power delivery. Paddle shifters are a given with anything sporting the AMG moniker.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 16

It’s a multi-faceted powertrain combination that’s at home puttering about town or picking out twisty strips of asphalt guided by the AMG-tuned suspension.

Mercedes-Benz A250 AMG Line: Small in size but never in style 17

In a world that’s constantly seeing every new model of a vehicle grow a size, the A250 AMG Line is a perfect aide-memoire that a compact vehicle can still get the job done right and in style. Small doesn't negate substance.



β€œBetter late than never.” Some despise it, others begrudgingly agree with it but he swears by it… much to the chagrin of everyone around him. That unfortunately stems from all of his project cars not running most of the time, which in turn is testament to his questionable decision-making skills in life. A culmination of many wrongs fortunately making a right; much like his project cars on the rare occasions they run, he’s still trying to figure out if another project car is the way to go.

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